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Ansarada GRC: About Events in GRC

Ansarada GRC: About Events in GRC

Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a year ago

What is an Event?

An Event is any incident or occurrence that needs to be recorded, actioned or reported for the organisation. An Event may have a measurable cost to the organisation.

How do I report an Event?

Ansarada GRC users and Non-Ansarada GRC users (Portal users) can both report an Event in the Portal.

Ansarada GRC users only can also report an Event directly in the Ansarada GRC Event Register (accessible from the Event Register option on the Main Menu).

What happens after I report the Event?

Upon raising the Event, Ansarada GRC will notify the Position(s) responsible for managing the Type of Event you’ve reported. This Position is called the Event Type Manager.

The Event Type Manager uses Ansarada GRC to:

  • Manages and has responsibility of this event’s progression,

  • Link any related Records that may assist in resolving the Event,

  • Assign Tasks to resolve the Event, and

  • is notified that Tasks haven’t been completed within the required time.

Event reporting and management process

Here is a diagram showing the process for reporting and managing an Event.

Event reporting and management process

Event reporting and management process

Event terminology can be customised

Administrators can customise Event terminology to suit the organisation. For example, your organisation may prefer the term ‘Incident’ to Event.

How do I know if the Event terminology has been customised?

If your Ansarada GRC Event terminology has been customised, you’ll see different terminology in the Ansarada GRC interface to that shown in this Guide.

Ansarada GRC is highly customisable. Throughout this Operating Guide, any customisable label, menu item or other interface element displayed in screenshots is shown in (brackets) and or in red.

Here are some screenshots showing which Ansarada GRC elements may be affected by ‘Event’ terminology changes.

Main Menu

Customisable Main Menu elements (Event)

Customisable Main Menu elements (Event)

Page Titles and My Summary tabs

Customisable 'Event' page titles and My Tasks tabs

Customisable ‘Event’ page titles and My Tasks tabs

Ansarada GRC Configuration page (‘Event Register’ tab)

Customisable 'Event' titles on the TriLine GRC Configuration page

Customisable ‘Event’ titles on the Ansarada GRC Configuration page

The Ansarada GRC Configuration page is where an Administrator customises the Event terminology:

  • Title: Affects the text in the ‘Event Register’ tab on the Ansarada GRC Configuration page
    (see screenshot above).

  • Short Title: Affects menu items, page titles and other labels named:

    • ‘Event’,

    • ‘Event’ + text (e.g. Event Type), or

    • Text + ‘Event’ (e.g. New Event).

  • Menu Text: Affects all menu items named ‘Events’.

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