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Ansarada GRC: Step by Step procedure to add a new Register record using the Ansarada GRC Portal
Ansarada GRC: Step by Step procedure to add a new Register record using the Ansarada GRC Portal

Ansarada GRC: Step by Step procedure to add a new Register using the Ansarada GRC Portal

Written by Neha Aswal
Updated over a week ago


New Register via the Portal

Create a New Register record by completing the following three steps:

  1. Enter the Form Fields

  2. Optionally add Attachments

  3. Click Finish to create the record

Adding a New Register

Ansarada GRC users can record an Entry in a Register via the Main Menu. The different types of registers that you may record entries for are displayed here with an add icon. You cannot add new records to Registers without an add icon.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Registers | click the icon of a Register; e.g. Gifts and Hospitality. (A hint will appear if you hover over each create icon.)

    Note: The Register Types listed here will be completely different on your system.

  2. The ‘New Register record’ window is displayed.

Create a New Register record by completing the following three steps:

  1. Fill in the Register Form Fields

  2. Optionally add Attachments

  3. Click Finish to create the Event

Step 1 - The Form

  1. Check you have the correct Register Type 1.

  2. Fill in Form fields 7 as required. Note Any field marked with a red asterisk * 8 must be completed.

  3. Click the Next icon 6 to proceed to Step 2.

Step 1 - First Field and Details

Step 1 - First Field and Details

Create New Register Step 1 page elements

Create New Register Step 1 page elements





New Register Type

This is the Type of New Register you are recording.


Page Help icon

Click this icon to display basic instructions for creating a new Register.


‘Click here for more information’ button

This button will only appear if this Register has further instruction for you to follow. Click this button to display those further instructions for creating this Register.


‘Step’ indicator

Displays the current Step and the Step’s sequential position (e.g. ‘Step 1 of 5’, ‘Step 2 of 5’ and so on).


‘Previous’ step icon

This icon is disabled at the first Step.


‘Next’ step icon

Click the Next icon to display the next Step of the creating a new Register process.


Register Form area

This area contains the Register Form Fields. The fields displayed in this area are unique to each Register Type. Section Headers are shaded fields that visually divide the form into logical sections.
Enter fields as required.


‘Required Field’ indicator

Any field marked with a red asterisk * is mandatory and must be completed.


Field ‘Help’ icon

Hover over this Help icon for information to help you fill in the field.



If visible, use this to scroll down to see the rest of the fields on this Form.


‘Close’ icon

Click this icon to cancel creating this new Register.

Step 2 - The Attachments

  1. To add attachments to your Register, click the Browse... 13 button to browse for an attachment. A File window will open, navigate and choose a file to attach. The file name is displayed in the Attachments 12 field.

  2. Add more attachments by clicking the Add File 15 link and repeating instruction (1).

  3. Click the Next icon 6 to proceed to Step 3.

Create New Register Step 2

Create New Register Step 2

Create New Register Step 2 page elements

Create New Register Step 2 page elements






Displays the file that will be uploaded and attached to this Register when it is created.


‘Browse’ button

Click this button to display and select a file to be attached to this Register when it is created. The selected file will appear in the Attachment File field 12.


‘Remove’ button

Click this button to remove the file displayed in the Attachment File field 12.


‘Add File’ button

Click this button for each addition attachment you require to added to this Register.

Step 3 - The Finish

  1. Check Send me a confirmation email 16 to receive a notification email confirming the creation of this Register record.

  2. If required, click the Previous icons 5 to review your Register information prior to submitting. Use the Next icons 6 to return to this step.

  3. Click Click here to finish 17 to record the new Register

  4. If there are no errors, this page will close with a message that your Register was successfully created.
    If there are any errors, they will be displayed in red at the bottom of the page. Use the Previous icon 5 to return to the fields that need correcting. Once done, click Next icon 6 to return to Step 3 and re-attempt to finish. Repeat until all errors are corrected.

Create New Register Step 3

Create New Register Step 3

Create New Register Step 3 page elements

Create New Register Step 3 page elements





‘Send me a confirmation email’ checkbox

Tick this checkbox if you want to receive an email at the conclusion of reporting this Register.


‘Click Here To Finish’ button

Click this button to create the Register.
When you click this button, Ansarada GRC checks to make sure that all Required Fields necessary for this Register’s creation have been completed.
Any incorrect, or incomplete fields are highlighted with either a red message at the bottom of the page, and a

icon next to the field that needs correcting.

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