Access the Accountable People records list.
From the ‘Accountable People’ list page, click the record of a person to open their details.
To change the ‘Accountable To’ person, click the ‘Accountable To’ 1 field to display the list of Accountable To people. Click the required ‘Accountable To’ 2 person from this list.
Once selected, the Relationship Selection options will appear. Select either, option 1All History to this relationship, or option 2 if the History is to show the relationship starting an a particular date. If later is chosen, click the ‘Date change applies’ 3 field and enter, or click the required Date 4 from the Date selector.
If the Date was selected, this will now display in the ‘Date change applies’ 1 field. Update the the SoR Supplementary fields Entity 2 and Information 3 as required. Click the Save 4 icon to update this record.
A confirming message is display that the record is updated.