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Ansarada GRC: How to access Obligation Modules and Topics?
Ansarada GRC: How to access Obligation Modules and Topics?

Ansarada GRC: How to access Obligation Modules and Topics?

Written by Neha Aswal
Updated over a week ago


Accessing Obligation Modules and Topics

Access Obligation Modules and Topics via the Main Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Obligations | Work with Obligation Modules and Topics.

  2. The ‘Obligation Modules and Topics’ list Page is displayed.

Accessing Obligations

Access Obligations via the Main Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Obligations | Work with Obligations records.

    The Obligations Menu

    The Obligations Module must be installed for this menu option to appear.

  2. The ‘Obligations’ list Page is displayed.

Accessing Obligation Alerts

Access Obligation Alerts via the Main Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Obligations | Work with Alerts.

    The Obligation Alerts Menu
  2. The ‘Obligation Alerts’ Page is displayed.

Update the Owner and Notify

Each Module has at least one Topic. Each Topic has at least one Obligation. Each Obligation has zero or more Sub Obligations. This Module family will always start with the same Owner at every level. Ansarada GRC provides a cascading or trickle facility to update the Owner at the level Module or Topic level, and have ONLY that Owner replaced in that entire family.

This Trickle facility also applies to Notify.

Module Trickle Update

This update will change the old Owner to the new Owner all the way from this Module down through to all it’s Sub Obligations, where the old Owner’s name is the same. So the Trickle update is like for like, and leaves other Owners in this family unchanged. Ditto Notify.

  1. Access Obligation Modules and Topics.

  2. Click on the Modules tab. Click the Owner 1 of the Module to be changed.

  3. Select and click on the new Owner 1 from the dropdown list. If required, repeat for any or just the Notify 2 fields.

  4. The changed cells will be lightly shaded. Click the Trickle checkbox 1. Click the Preview Changes 2 button to only shows rows which have changes to be Saved. Click the Save Changes 3 button to complete the updates, or click the Cancel Changes4 button to cancel the updates.
    Note: Not clicking the Trickle checkbox will result in only the Module Owner being updated.

  5. A message will be displayed informing the update was successful.

Topic Trickle Update

This update will change the old Owner to the new Owner all the way from this Topic down through to all it’s Sub Obligations, where the old Owner’s name is the same. So the Trickle update is like for like, and leaves other Owners in this family unchanged. Ditto Notify.

  1. Access Obligation Modules and Topics.

  2. Click on the Topics tab. Click the Owner 1 of the Topic to be changed.

  3. Select and click on the new Owner 1 from the dropdown list. If required, repeat for any or just the Notify 2 fields.

  4. The changed cells will be lightly shaded. Click the Trickle 1 checkbox. Click the Preview Changes 2 button to only shows rows which have changes to be Saved. Click the Save Changes 3 button to complete the updates, or click the Cancel Changes4 button to cancel the updates.
    Note: Not clicking the Trickle checkbox will result in only the Topic Owner being updated.

  5. A message will be displayed saying the update was successful.

Topic Will Never Apply Update

Use this feature to stop all notifications from this Topic, and all underlying Obligations and Sub Obligations.

  1. Access Obligation Modules and Topics.

  2. Click on the Topics tab. Click the Will Never Apply 1 Topics. Click Save Changes2 button.

  3. Will Never Apply is saved to this topic and this change is saved to all Obligations and Sub Obligations of this Topic.

Obligation and Sub Obligation Owner Update

Note: The following procedure can be used to update the Notify field.

  1. Open the Obligation or Sub Obligation. Click the Integration tab. Click the Owner 1dropdown field.

  2. Select and click on the new Owner 1 from the dropdown list.

  3. If required, an optional Reason, or Tags, may be added. Click the Save icon 1.

  4. A message will be displayed saying the update was successful.

Creating a Compliance Process from an Obligation

See Creating Source Obligation

Creating a Process Control from an Obligation or Sub Obligation

See Creating Source Obligation

Link from Obligation or Sub Obligation

The following is applicable to all Modules Link except Process Controls.

  1. Open the Obligation or Sub Obligation. Click the Ansarada GRC Links tab 1. Click the Module tab 2 to Link from. Click the Link dropdown field 3. Select and click the record 4 to link.

  2. Click the New Link 1 icon.

  3. The new linked record 1 is displayed.

Delete Link from Obligation or Sub Obligation

The following is applicable to all Modules Link including Process Controls.

  1. Open the Obligation or Sub Obligation. Click the Ansarada GRC Links tab 1. Click the Module tab 2 to Link from. Click the Delete Link icon 3 of the record to be de-linked.

  2. Click the OK to complete the delete, or Cancel.

  3. The record will no-longer be displayed in the list.

Link from Obligation or Sub Obligation to Process Control

  1. Open the Obligation or Sub Obligation. Click the Ansarada GRC Links tab 1. Click the Process Control tab 2. Click the Link dropdown field 3. Select and click the Compliance Process 4 to link.

  2. All Process Controls for this is Compliance Process will be listed. Select the Process Control’s 1 to be linked.

  3. Click the Save icon 1.

  4. The new linked Process Control records 1 are displayed.

  5. Also the Process Control’s Compliance Process record 1 is linked.

To remove the Process Control links, follow the steps in Delete Link from Obligation or Sub Obligation.

Accessing Unresolved Obligations Updates

Access Unresolved Obligations Updates via the Main Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Obligations | Unresolved Obligations Updates.

  2. The ‘Unresolved Obligations Updates’ page is displayed.

Resolving the Obligation Updates

See Unresolved Obligations Update .

Accessing Obligations Gap Analysis

Access Obligations Gap Analysis via the Main Menu:

  1. From the Main Menu, select Obligations | Gap Analysis.

  2. The ‘Obligations Gap Analysis’ page is displayed.

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