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Accountability Sign-off Tasks - Add, Edit, Delete a Task
Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a week ago

Add a Task

  1. Hover over, or click the Menu Options (hamburger) icon, then click the New Tasksoption.

  2. The New Task for Person (Entity) window displays, with Fields containing configured default values. Update fields and selections 1 though 11 as required (See Elements of a Accountability Sign-off Task for more information on each field). Click the Save 12 icon to create the tasks. (Or, click the Close 13 icon to cancel.)

  3. The new Accountability Sign-off Task displays in the list.

Edit a Task

  1. Click the Task record required to be edited.

  2. The Edit Task for Person (Entity) window displays. Update fields and selections 1though 11 as required (See Elements of a Accountability Sign-off Task for more information on each field). Click the Save 12 icon to create the tasks. (Or, click the Close 13 icon to cancel.)
    Note: Take create care when making changes to this schedule if your today editing date is between the First Reminder Date and the Due Date on this schedule. If you do not understand the consequences of schedule changes in this date window, please contact Ansarada GRC support before proceeding to Save changes.

  3. The new Accountability Sign-off Task displays in the list.

Delete a Task

  1. Click the Delete icon of the Task to be delete.

  2. The Confirm delete window displays. Click the Delete 12 icon to Delete this task and all associated history. (Or, click the Close 13 icon to cancel.)
    Note: This delete is instant and there is no recovery or un-delete option. It is not recommend to delete records that require history to be retained; it is instead recommend to change the status to ‘Inactive’.

  3. The Accountability Sign-off Task no longer displays in the list.

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