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Certificate Renewal Tasks - Create a Certificate Renewal Task

Create a Certificate Renewal Task

Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a year ago

This function allows the creation of a scheduled task to re-certify a person.

  1. Click on the Certificate record 1 you wish to create a Renewal task for.

  2. The Certificate for the select Person window displays. Click the Create Renewal Task1 switch on. Three task fields appear. Enter the First Reminder 2 days. The day the Renewal Task is created is the To date (highlighted in the yellow box) minus the First Reminder days (minus non-business days this date falls on). Enter the Second Reminder 3 days, if required. Select the Actioned By Person 4 who will either, attain the Certificate, or the Accountable (internal) person who will grant the Certificate. Click the Save 6 icon to create the schedule. (Or, click the Cancel 6 icon to cancel.)

  3. The Certificate Renewal Task will generate on the First Reminder date and a notification will be sent to Actioned By person, with a due date of the current Certificate end (To) date.


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