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Ansarada GRC: Create a Template from a Compliance Process
Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over 8 months ago

Create a Template from a Compliance Process

  1. Access the Compliance Processes list page.

  2. Click on a Compliance Process record in the list to open the The ‘Compliance Process’ page. Click the Option (hamburger) icon and click Create a Template menu option.

  3. A Create Template window appears. Click the Tick icon to confirm you want to create the Compliance Process Template from this record. (Or, click the close to cancel the create.)

  4. If a template(s) exist with very similar wording to the template you are creating, then the following window is displayed listing the matching template(s). Click the Tick icon again to confirm you want to continue the create new Template. (Or, click the close icon to cancel the create.)

  5. A confirming message will display. View the new Compliance Process Template record in the Compliance Process Templates list page.

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