Access Scheduled Reports
Note: Your Position must have access ‘View Reports’ access, for this menu option, and Scheduled Reports tab, to appear.
From the Main Menu, select Reports | Scheduled Reports & Saved Reports/Charts.
The ‘Saved Reports/Charts’ page is displayed. Click the Scheduled Reports Tab to see the list of Saved Scheduled Reports.
See Scheduled Reports Tab for tab item details.
Create a Scheduled Report
There are three type of different types of report that are relevant to Scheduled Reports:
Report without a date range.
Reports with a date range.
Overdue Tasks Reports with a mixture of both with and without date ranges.
To Create a Scheduled Report
Select the Report, as you do normally, from the relevant Module’s Report section. The Setting window is displayed.
Apply Filters and Options. Enter a Report Title if required.
Run the report. The Report displays.
Click ‘Create a Report Schedule’ icon. The Create a Report Schedule window displays.
Enter the Name of the Schedule (this is not the name of the report), the cycle the report is to be scheduled, data range if required, and the positions and email addresses the report is to be sent to.
Click ‘New Report Schedule’ to add Report to the schedule.
Use Main Menu option Reports | Scheduled Reports & Saved Reports/Charts to review the list of Scheduled Reports.
Create a Scheduled Report with no date range
A report with no date range will present the data that is current as it runs. That means it is possible that the report will different even if you run it twice over two hours. It is a dynamic and represents the data at the moment in time is created.
Select the Report from the relevant Menu.
Select the Report 1. Apply Filters and Options 2. Enter a Report Title 3 if required. Run the Report 4.
The Report displays. Click ‘Create a Report Schedule’ icon 1. The Create a Report Schedule window displays. Enter the Name of the Schedule (this is not the name of the report), the cycle the report is to be scheduled, data range if required, and the positions and email addresses the report is to be sent to. See Create a Report Scheduled elementsfor information on each field.
Click the ‘New Report Schedule’ icon 2 to add Report to the schedule.
Use Main Menu option Reports | Scheduled Reports & Saved Reports/Charts to review the list of Scheduled Reports.
Create a Scheduled Report with a date range
A report with a date range will require the Date Range to be converted to a Number of Periods for the Schedule.
Let use the example of a Quarterly report, which means want to report on the data between January and March, April and June, July and September, and finally October and December.
Quarter Report into a Quarterly Schedule
The Cycle field is the frequency this Schedule is to be run. Quarterly is every 3 months, so we select ‘3 Monthly’ here.
The First Run will need to be first date after the quarter. For January - March, set the 1st of April. For April - June, set the 1st of July. For July - September, set the 1st of October. For October - December, set the 1st January the next year.
Note Today’s date will determine which date date to use. You can ONLY set the most recent last date, or you can set any future date to start reporting. We recommend starting with a future date here.
The Set Dates field is the time frame of data we want to report on. Quarterly is 3 month length, so again select ‘3 Calendar Months’ here. If you wanted the Report to get a years data, you would set this ‘12 Calendar Months’.
Select the Report from the relevant Menu.
Select the Report 1. Apply Filters and Options 2. Enter a Report Title 3 if required.Enter the Date Range 4.
Run the Report 5.The Report displays. Click ‘Create a Report Schedule’ icon 1. The Create a Report Schedule window displays. Enter the Name of the Schedule (this is not the name of the report), the cycle the report is to be scheduled, data range if required, and the positions and email addresses the report is to be sent to. See Create a Report Scheduled elementsfor information on each field.
Click the ‘New Report Schedule’ icon 2 to add Report to the schedule.
Use Main Menu option Reports | Scheduled Reports & Saved Reports/Charts to review the list of Scheduled Reports.
Create a Scheduled Report containing both options
All Task Overdue reports contain both the option to not use the date range, or to use the date range
When ‘All Overdue records’ is selected, or when ‘All Overdue records’ is not selected and a number greater than zero is entered in ‘Overdue more than x Days’, ensure Zero is entered in ‘Set Dates’ on the Schedule Report setting. For these options, follow the instructions in Create a Scheduled Report with no date range, noting that in the Create Schedule Report window, ‘Set Dates’ will appear, but you must leave is set to Zero.
When ‘All Overdue records’ is not selected and zero is entered in ‘Overdue more than x Days’, the Date Range option comes into effect. For this option, follow the instructions in Create a Scheduled Report with a date range, noting that in the Create Schedule Report window, ‘Set Dates’ must be set to a value corresponding to this date range.