TriLine: Adding a new Position

TriLine: How to add and edit a new position in TriLine?

Written by Christina Pan
Updated over a week ago

What is a Position?

A Position identifies a role within the organisation that has responsibilities for completing tasks, managing Compliances and (Events), or owning Risks, KRIs, and Contracts.

TriLine GRC is a position driven system. The advantage of this is that as people move in and out of positions, there is minimal changes required. The user id, name and email can be changed, but the position responsibilities continue as before.

Note: Review TriLine GRC New Position Invitation first if the Send Invitation feature is required.

Positions can be bulk loaded via a spreadsheet, or a position can be individually added using the ‘Add New Position’ icon. To add an individual TriLine GRC Position:

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the ‘Positions’ tab, click the Add 1 icon.

  3. The ‘Add New Position’ window is displayed. Complete items 1 through 12 in the ‘Add New Position’ window. See Table below for details of each field.

    Note: If you have two or more people with exactly the same First and Last name, be sure to add a middle initial to each First Name, so that each person can be uniquely identified by name.

  4. Click the ‘Save’ icon 13 to save the new Position. Check that the new Position appears in the list on the Positions tab(item 4).

The ‘Add New Position’ window elements

‘Add New Position’ window elements





‘Title’ field

Enter an unique Job Title. This is what the Position is known as throughout TriLine GRC.
This title can match the person’s position title, or combined titles, within your organisation.


‘First Name’ field

Enter the first name of the person in the Position.

Note: If you have two or more people with exactly the same First and Last name, be sure to add a middle initial to each First Name, so that each person can be uniquely identified by name.


‘Surname’ field

Enter the last name of the person in the Position.


‘User ID’ field

Enter an unique ID that is used to successfully authenticate and log in to TriLine GRC.

Note: If your site is self hosted and TriLine GRC is configured to use Windows Authentication, the User ID must be the same as the user’s Windows login username.


‘Password’ field

Enter a password that is used to successfully authenticate and log in to TriLine GRC.

Note: If TriLine GRC is configured to use Windows Authentication, the Password must be the same as the user’s Windows login password.



The strength of the ‘Password’ is indicated here. A 5 star Password requires at least 8 characters, consisting of a combination of lower case characters, upper case characters, numbers and/or special characters. A password is mandatory to add a position, but the password strength entered here is entirely up to the administrator discretion as the new user will likely change it immediately anyway.


‘Confirm Password’ field

Re-type the Password, ensuring it matches what is in the ‘Password’ field.


‘Email’ field

Enter the email address of the person employed in the Position. This field is optional and can be left blank.


‘Escalate To’ selector

An optional field that determines who should be notified if a Task assigned to the Position becomes overdue. Click the dropdown to select an Escalation position.

Note: The default ‘Escalate To’ position can be overwritten at each individual Task this position is ‘Actioned By’.


‘Display in Lists’ checkbox

Tick this field to display this Position in the Position selection lists throughout TriLine GRC. Position selection lists consist of responsibility roles and Actioned By roles. Once security access is granted this will allow Tasks to be assigned to this Position.

Note: If you want a user to have access to TriLine GRC without being able to have Tasks assigned to them, un-tick this field.


‘See Own Data Only’ checkbox

Tick this field to restrict the Position’s access to Records and Tasks that the Position has no direct involvement with.

Notes: See the Glossary entry for important information about the differing visibility of the ‘See Own Data Only’ setting with Records and Tasks, particularly when the Position has responsibility.


‘Send Invitation’ checkbox

Tick this field to send an invitation email to this position on saving 13 this Position. The invitation will contain the content on the User Emails, TriLine GRC New Position Invitation sub tab.


‘Save’ icon

Click this icon to save the new Position. If ‘Send Invitation’ 12 is ticked, this will go out with this save action.


‘Close’ icon

Click to close the popup window without saving.

Editing an existing Position

Administrators can edit an existing Position via the ‘Edit Position’ window.

Note: Review TriLine GRC New Position Invitation first if Send Invitation is required.

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab.

  2. On the ‘Positions’ tab, click the ‘Edit’ icon next to the Position you want to edit.

  3. The ‘Edit Position’ window is displayed. Update fields 1 through 12 as required. See The ‘Add New Position’ window elements for details of each field.

  4. Click the ‘Save’ 13 icon to save the edited Position

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