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Ansarada GRC: Adding a New Event

Ansarada GRC: Steps to Adding a New Event

Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a year ago

Adding a New Event

Ansarada GRC users can record an Entry in an Event via the Main Menu. The different types of events that you may record entries for are displayed when you click the Click here to create Event chevron 1 icon.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Events | click the Click here to create Event chevron 1 icon

  2. Then click the Event 2 you wish to record.

    Note: The Event Types listed here are for example purposes.

  3. The ‘New Event record’ window is displayed.

Create a New Event record by completing the following three to five of the following steps:

  1. Fill in the Event Details

  2. Fill in the Event Form Fields

  3. Optionally add Other Information

  4. Optionally add Attachments and Images

  5. Click Finish to create the Event

Step 1 - The Details

  1. Check you have the correct Event Type 1.

  2. Enter the date the Event Occurred 7.

  3. Enter the Title, or a very short description, of the Event 8.

  4. Select if you would like to be kept informed 9 of status changes to the Event.

  5. Select if you require an email confirming 10 the creation of this Event.

  6. Depending on the configuration of your system, you maybe required to enter additional information 11 in the Custom fields.

  7. Click the Next icon 6 to proceed to Step 2.

Create New Event Step 1

Create New Event Step 1

Create New Event Step 1 page elements

Create New Event Step 1 page elements





‘New Event’ Type

This is the Type of New Event you are reporting.


‘Click here for more information’ button

This button will only appear if this Event Type has further instruction for you to follow. Click this button to display those further instructions for creating this Event.


‘Step’ indicator

Displays the current Step and the Step’s sequential position (e.g. ‘Step 1 of 5’, ‘Step 2 of 5’ and so on).


Page information icon

Click this icon to display basic instructions for creating a new Event.


‘Previous’ step icon

This icon is disabled at the first Step and re-enabled on all following steps. Click the Previous icon to display the prior Step.


‘Next’ step icon

Click the Next icon to display the next Step of the creating a new Event process. This icon is disabled at the last Step.


‘Occurred’ field

This is a mandatory field and is the Date and time the Event being records occurred.
To type the date & time directly in the field:
- Type all or part of the date & time that the Event occurred in the format dd/mm/yyyy h:mm AM/PM, then press Tab on your computer keyboard.
If you don’t type the full date & time, Ansarada GRC completes the entry with placeholder information that you can edit. For example, if you type 12/03 and Tab, Ansarada GRC auto-fills the field as 12/03/2017 12:00 AM.)
To specify the date & time using the Date/Time Selector:
- Click the field’s dropdown.
- Select the date and time.


‘Title’ field

Enter a title, or a very short description, of the Event into this field.


‘Keep Me Informed’ checkbox

Tick this checkbox if you, the recorder of this Event, want to receive an email notification whenever the Status of the Event changes.


‘Send me a confirmation email’ checkbox

Tick this checkbox if you, the recorder of this Event, want to receive an email at the completion of recording this event.


Custom Field area

Depending on the configuration of your system, none to five additional (custom) fields maybe displayed in this area. Enter the mandatory fields, and optional fields as required. Hover over the information icon for each Custom Field for additional help on this the custom field.


‘Close’ icon

Click this icon to cancel creating this new Event.

Step 2 - ‘Form’ Details

  1. The Form page appears (step 2 of 5). Enter information in each field of the Form 13 as required.
    Note: Any field marked with a red asterisk * 14 is a mandatory field and is required to have a value.

  2. After completing the Form, click the Next icon 6 to proceed to Step 3.

Create New Event Step 2

Create New Event Step 2

Create New Event Step 2 page elements

Create New Event Step 2 page elements





Event Form area

This area contains the Event Form Fields. The fields displayed in this area are unique to each Event Type. Section Headers are shaded and visually divide the form into logical sections.
Enter the mandatory fields, and optional fields as required.


‘Required Field’ indicator

Any field marked with a red asterisk * is mandatory and must have a value.


Field ‘Help’ icon

Hover over this icon for information to help you fill in the field.


Scroll bar

If the form is larger than the display window, use the scroll bar to see up and down the form.

Step 3 - ‘Other Information’

  1. The Other Information page appears (step 3 of 5). If instructed, use this optional step to further describe or add other information about the Event. If information is displayed in this field, follow these instructions provided in this field 18.

  2. Click the Next icon 6 to proceed to Step 4.

Note this field is strictly a text field. If required, screen shots and other images can now be added as attachments on the next page, step 4.

Create New Event Step 3

Create New Event Step 3

Create New Event Step 3 page elements

Create New Event Step 3 page elements





Formatting Toolbar

Use these tools to format the Other Information text that you type in the ‘Other Information’ field 8.
Note: This toolbar only displays a subset of the regular Formatting Toolbar to provide basic formatting.


‘Other Information’ field

Enter a description or other information of the Event in this field, then use the Formatting Toolbar 7 to format the text, make list items and add hyperlinks.
Note: The Administrator can configure this field to contain default text. This default text can be instructions on how to use this field. If unsure, seek Administrator on the correct way to use this field.

Step 4 - ‘Attachments and Images’

  1. The Attachments page appears (step 4 of 5). To add attachments to your Event, click the Browse... button 20to browse for an attachment. A File window will open, navigate and choose a file to attach. The file name is displayed in the field 19.

  2. Add more attachments by clicking the Add File link 22 and repeating the previous instruction (1).

  3. Use the Paste images below... field 23 to add images and screen shots as required. Text may be entered around the images. The contents of this field will automatically be added as an attachment on the creation for this event.

  4. Click the Next icon 6 to proceed to Step 5.

Create New Event Step 4

Create New Event Step 4

Create New Event Step 4 page elements

Create New Event Step 4 page elements





Attachment File field

Displays the file that will be uploaded and attached to this Event when it is created.


‘Browse’ button

Click this button to display and select a file to be attached to this Event when it is created. The selected file will appear in the Attachment File field 7.
See ‘Attachments’ items 2 to 8 in the Glossary for more detail on how to select files for attachment.


‘Remove’ button

Click this button to remove the file displayed in the Attachment File field 7.


‘Add File’ button

Click this button for each addition attachment you require to added to this Event.


‘Paste images below’ field

Paste images and screen shots as required. Text may be entered around the images.

Step 5 - ‘Finish’

  1. The final page appears (step 5 of 5). If required, click the Previous icons 5 to review your Event information prior to finishing. Use the Next icons 6 to return to this step.

  2. Click the CLICK HERE To FINISH 24 button to create the new Event.

  3. If there are no errors, the window will close and you will be returned to your previous location with a message that your Event was successfully created.
    If there are errors, the window will remain open and the errors will be displayed in a list at the bottom of the page. Use the Previous icon 5 to return to the fields that need correcting. Each error field will be highlighted and the errors may be spread over the first 4 pages. Once corrected, click Next icons 6 to return here to Step 5 and re-attempt to finish creating the Event. Repeat as necessary until all errors are corrected and the Event is recorded successfully.

Create New Event Step 5

Create New Event Step 5

Create New Event Step 5 page elements

Create New Event Step 5 page elements





‘Previous’ step icon

This icon is disabled at the last Step.


‘Next’ step icon

Click the Next icon to display the next Step of the creating a new Event process.


‘Click Here To Finish’ button

Click this button to create the Event.
When you click this button, Ansarada GRC checks to make sure that all Required Fields necessary for Event creation have been completed.
Any outstanding or incomplete fields are highlighted with either a red message box or a

icon. Check each page for a highlighted error field.


‘Close’ icon

Click this icon to cancel creating this new Event.

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