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Ansarada GRC: Contract Owner managing uncompleted Attestations

Ansarada GRC: Contract Owner managing uncompleted Attestations

Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a year ago

My Summary - Attestations

All outstanding (generated with a not completed status) Attestations are listed for each Contract Owner on the My Attestations tab of their My Summary page. On the main menu, click the My Summary option. If outstanding Attestations exist for this Position, the My Attestations tab will display. Click the My Attestations tab to see these records.

My Attestations

My Attestations

An Attestation’s Status can indicate if the Contact is progressing their Attestation, or if, the Contract Owner is require to respond to a request for information, or to review a submitted Attestation.

My Attestations

My Attestations

Some Attestations Statuses are highlighted by unique colours. Both Statuses ‘Issued’ and ‘In Progress’ are a white cell and means the Attestation is with the Contact to complete. The colour of each row indicates the action that is required of Contract Owner. A ‘Request’ Status (yellow cell) indicates the Contact is awaiting a reply from the Contract Owner for a question they have asked. A green cell indicates that the Contact has completed the Attestation and it can now be review by the Contract Owner for acceptance, or not. Accepted Attestations go into the Attestation History of that Contract record. A ‘Not Accepted’ red cell (not shown) indicates that the Contract Owner has found the submitted Attestation is lacking completion information, In this case, the Contract Owner has requested the Contact to provide more content.

Responding to a Contact

  1. When a Contact asks a question or requests more information facility while completing the Attestation form, the Contact Owner will receive an email notification 1 of this question. The email notification shows who 2 is asking, what the question 3 is, and a link 4 to that Attestation. Click the link (and login if you have not logged in yet), to open the Attestation on the My Summary Page.

  2. Or alternatively if already logged in, the Contract Owner can open the Attestation by clicking the ‘Show Attestation’ 1icon on the My Summary | My Attestation tab.
    Note: The status is highlighted yellow to indicate action is required by the Contract Owner.

  3. The Attestation window displays. Click the Request Info tab. The most recent question 1 is displayed at the top of the list. Click the Respond 2 icon.
    Note: The current completion answers on the Attestation Form by the Contact can be reviewed at anytime by clicking on the Attestation tab and scrolling through the Form.

  4. The Add Response window displays. Type your response 1 to the question. Click the Save 2 icon. Your response is immediately emailed to this Contact.

  5. Your Response 1 is displayed as the most recent interaction on the Requested Info tab. Click the Close window 3icon. The Contact will also be able to review this response from their link to the Attestation in their email notification.

  6. The Status 12 of the Attestation has changed to ‘In Progress’ as the Contacts question has now been responded to.

Accepting or Not Accepting a Submitted Attestation

  1. When a Contact clicks the ‘Complete Now’ button on the Attestation form, the Contact Owner will receive an email notification that the Attestation Form has been submitted for review. The email notification will contain a link 2 that when clicked (and login completed) will open the Attestation on the My Summary Page.

  2. Or alternatively if already logged in, the Contract Owner can open the Attestation by clicking the ‘Show Attestation’ 1icon on the My Summary | My Attestation tab.
    Note: The status is highlighted green to indicate action is required by the Contract Owner.

  3. The Attestation window displays. On the Attestation tab, scroll down 1 and review the filled in Attestation form. If provided, review the Attachments on the Attachments tab. To accept the Attestation as satisfactorily completed, click the Accept 2 button. The Attestation window will close, the Attestation will disappear from the My Summary, My Attestations list, and will now be available in the Contract Attestation Completion History (see View Attestation Completion History). To send the Attestation back to the Contact, because the Form has insufficient content or requires further content clarification, click the Not Accepted' 3 button.

  4. When the Not Accepted button is clicked, The More Information window displays. Type your instruction 1 to the Contact about which Attestation content on the Form you require added or clarified. Click the Save 2 icon. Your message is immediately emailed to this Contact and this window closes.

  5. Your message is recorded as the most recent interaction on the Attestation Requested Info tab. The Attestation Status has changed to Not Accepted 1 and is highlighted red.

  6. The Contact will receive an email notification 1 informing them further information is required. The email content will contain your message 2, and a link 3 to again open and continue working on the completing the Attestation Form.

  7. When the Contact updates and Saves the Attestation, the Status will change from Not Accepted to In Progress. When the Contract re-submits the Attestation, the Status will changed to For Review and this acceptance process will start again.

Completing a submitted Attestation ‘Rejected’

Selecting to complete an Attestation with the Rejected status means that you will not Accept the Form submitted by the Contact, and you do not wish pursue obtaining the resolving information from the Contact. Rejecting the Attestation completes the Attestation process. The Contact will immediately no longer have access to the Attestation Form. The Attestation moves to History with the Rejected status for reporting purposes.

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 above Accepting or Not Accepting a Submitted Attestation.

  2. Click the ‘Reject’ 1 button.

  3. The Attestation will not be done window displays. Read the instructions and then enter the Rejection notification 1 to be sent to the Contact. Outline or detail the reason(s) this Attestation is being rejected or not accepted. Click Yes 2 to complete the Attestation with status ‘Rejected’ and to immediately send the Rejection notification with your reason to the Contact. (Or, click No 3 to cancel.)

  4. The Attestation window will close, the Attestation will disappear from the My Attestations list, and will now be available in the Contact Attestation History (see View Attestation Completion History). The Contact will immediately no longer have access to the Attestation Form and will the Rejection notification email.

Completing an Attestation ‘Will not be Completed’

If at any point a Contract Owner decides that an Attestation sent to Contact is no longer required to be competed, they can ‘mark’ that Attestation as ‘Will Not be Completed’ as a final Completion Status. The Contact will be immediately notified, and they will no-longer have access to the Attestation via the previous supplied links to the Attestation page.

  1. On the My Summary | My Attestation tab Click the ‘Show Attestation’ 1 icon of the Attestation that is no longer required.

  2. The Complete Attestation window displays. On the Attestation tab, click the Will not be Completed 2button.

  3. The Attestation will not be done window displays. Read the instructions and then enter Reason 1 this Attestation is no longer required. An email notification, containing this reason will to be sent to the Contact. Click Yes2 to complete the Attestation with status ‘Will not be Completed’ and to immediately send the notification with your reason to the Contact. (Or, click No 3 to cancel.)

  4. The Contact is sent a notification email with Reason 1 why they are no longer required to Complete this Attestation. This Attestation will no longer be accessible to the Contact through prior provided links.

  5. This Attestation will no longer display in the My Attestation list, but will be accessible via the history record of the Attestation 1 on the Contract. Any entered data on the Form will be retained in this history and can be reported on.

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