Attestation Types
Attestations is an optional module that can be added to you site. Contact Ansarada GRC Support for more information.
The Attestation Type defines the Attestations for the Contracts of your organisation that the ‘Contract With’ Contacts will be required to complete, either on an adhoc, or regular scheduled basis via a Contract Attestation Task.
Each Attestation can linked to selected, or all Contract Types.
Each Attestation has at least one ‘version’ of an Attestation Form containing the detail required to be completed by that Contract’s ‘Contact With(s)’, Contact(s). Once an Attestation Task has been generated, no further editing of that version of the Form is allowed, effectively locking that version. Once locked, to make changes to the form, a new version must be created from the old version. Versions of the Form that are no longer required for Attestation Tasks, can be make Inactive (which is effectively obsoleted) to prevent them ever being selected on an Attestation Task again. However, a ‘used’ version can never be deleted (that is version that has had an Attestation task has been generated from it) as they are required for historical purposes.
To be selectable from an Attestation Task, the Attestation Type, and a Form ‘version’ must both have a Status of Active. More than one Form Version can be Active at one time, allowing multiple Versions to be selectable from the Attestation Tasks.
The ‘Attestation Type’ Page
The ‘Attestation Type’ Page
| The ‘Attestation Type’ tab elements |
ID | Element | Description |
1 | ‘New Attestation Type’ icon | Click to add a new Attestation Type. A blank, first version, form will be created with this attestation type. |
2 | ‘Page Help’ icon | Click this to see some basic instructions for working on this Page. |
3 | Page NavigationPanel | Use the controls in this panel to move between List Pages and set the number of Records to display per-page. |
4 | Text Search Filter | Enter some text to display only those records containing matching text. |
5 | Column Headers | Use the controls in the column headers to filter the Records. |
6 | ‘Chevron’ icon | Click this icon to display this Attestation Type’s list of Form (versions) records. Click again to hide this list. |
7 | ‘Edit’ icon | Click this icon to edit the Attestation Type Details. |
8 | ‘Delete’ icon | Click this icon to Attestation Type. |
9 | ‘Email Subject’ icon | Click this icon to customise the email subjects of notifications for each Attestation status, that is sent to the Contacts. |
10 | List of Attestation Types | This List displays all Attestation Types in your system. |
11 | Column Headers | Use the controls in the column headers to filter the Records. |
10 | Change Task Version | Click this icon to open the Attestation Task Version changing widow. |
12 | ‘Edit’ icon | Click this icon to edit the Attestation From Version record. Change the Version name, status, and if Attachments are mandatory, as required. |
13 | ‘Delete’ icon | Click this icon to delete this version of the Attestation Form. |
14 | List of Form Versions | This List displays the Forms created for this Attestation Type. |
15 | ‘Edit’ Form icon | Click this icon to edit the Attestation Form. |
16 | ‘Duplicate this Attestation’ Form icon | Click this icon to copy this Attestation Form Record and the Form, to create a new partial, or complete duplicated Version from this Version. |
17 | ‘Update to this Version’ icon | Click this icon to update ALL Contract Attestation Schedules using this Attestation, to this Version of this Attestation. |
18 | ‘Show Usage’ icon | Click this icon to show all Contracts that are using this this Version of this Attestation. |