TriLine: What is Monitor logs and how does it work?

TriLine: What is Monitor logs and how does it work?

Written by Neha Aswal
Updated over a week ago

The Monitor keeps a log of its activity, including the details of:

  • New Tasks processing,

  • Critical Tasks (when enabled),

  • Scheduled Reports, and

  • Overnight processing.

The Monitor writes a log each time a process is run:

  • ‘New Tasks’,

  • ‘Critical Tasks’ (when enabled),

  • ‘Scheduled Reports’, and

  • ‘End of Day Processing’ (Overnight processing logs)

These processes run automatically once each day.

The ‘Critical Tasks’ log is only generated if:

  • Critical Tasks have been enabled on your system by your Administrator, and

  • The Monitor has processed notifications for Critical Tasks during the day (at the time specified in Configuration settings).

When each log is written, a notification email is sent to the ‘Notification’ email address set in the Configuration Page ‘Monitor’ tab.

You can view The Monitor Logs.


View The Monitor Logs

  1. From the Main Menu, select Maintenance | Monitor Logs. The Monitor Logs Page loads.

    The Monitor logs are grouped by date as shown at the left of the Page.

  2. Click the Down Chevron icon next to a date to show the log entries.

  3. Click a log entry and view the details in the panel.

Overnight Monitor Processing information

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the ‘End of Day Processing’ log to view the details of that days processing including, Task rollovers, Records deleted, and Password strength checked.

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