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Ansarada GRC: How to Manage General Settings
Ansarada GRC: How to Manage General Settings

Ansarada GRC: How to Manage General Settings

Written by Neha Aswal
Updated over a week ago

Managing General settings in Ansarada GRC:

Administrators can manage general settings on the Configuration Page ‘General’ tab:

  1. In the Main Menu, select Maintenance | Configuration.

  2. The ‘Configuration’ Page is displayed.

  3. On the ‘Configuration’ Page, click the ‘General’ tab.

  4. The general settings are displayed.

  5. To Open or Close any Section on the General Tab, click that Section.

  6. Update fields as required.

  7. To Save any changes, hover over, or click the Menu Options (Hamburger) icon. Click the Save


The ‘General’ section settings

The General section contain information on your Organisation’s Capital Amount (optional), Country and Time Zone (mandatory so the Monitor runs at the correct time), and Business Unit Title (also mandatory).

Click the Section to open and close this section.

The Configuration 'General' section

The Configuration ‘General’ section

‘General’ section elements





‘General’ section

Click this section to open or close this section.


‘Capital Amount’ field

If your organisation is subject to the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP), type in your organisation’s Asset Base Value for reporting purposes.

This field is optional and it’s value can be left at 0.


‘Country’ Selector

Select your Organisation country from the drop-down list so that your system uses the correct date format for your region.


‘Time Zone’ Selector

Select the Time Zone you want your system to operate in from the drop-down list.

Note: This setting is also the Time Zone for the Monitor.



This Option Not Shown in the image.
For Self Hosted sites, choose the type of security that you want to apply to access your system. Your Login options are:

Windows: This option uses Windows Authentication—administrators must enter the user’s Microsoft Windows User ID and Password when adding a new Position. The windows user will be automatically logged in.

Website: This option uses the Ansarada GRC User ID and Password. See adding a new Position. The user is required to enter their Ansarada GRC user id and password.


‘Business Unit Title’ field

The default term Business Unit describes an organisation’s divisions or departments. If your organisation uses a different term (e.g. Department), type that term in this field and it will be displayed as the title of all relevant fields throughout your system.


‘Permitted IP Addresses’ field

Optional field. Enter all intended access IP address(es) in this field to lock logging in to only occur from these addresses.
Note: Currently, the first 3 of the 4 IP numbers are applied to the lock, hence if you have multiple IP numbers where only the 4th number is different, you only need to enter one of those IP addresses to use all addresses in the 4 band.

The ‘Data Retention’ section settings

The Data Retention section display how long non critical information is retained on the system.

The Configuration 'Data Retention' section

The Configuration ‘Data Retention’ section

‘Data Retention’ section elements





‘Data Retention’ section

Click this section to open or close this section.


Days to retain ‘Monitor Logs’ field

The Monitor creates a log every time New Tasks processing, Critical Tasks processing, Scheduled Reports or Overnight processing, runs.

These logs contain information about all emails that have been sent to Positions.

Access the logs via the Main Menu select Maintenance, then select Monitor Logs option.

For housekeeping purposes, The Monitor deletes logs that are older than the ‘Days to retain Monitor Logs’ setting. Adjust this setting to suit your organisation’s requirements. The minimum recommended setting is 180 days.


Days to retain ‘Deleted Records’ field

Determines how long Records with the Status ‘To Be Deleted’ are held in your system until they are completely removed by The Monitor. (See Deleted Records for more information.) The higher this number, the longer you will have to recover deleted records.

Note: Changing the number of deletion days does not affect existing ‘To Be Deleted’ Records, only subsequent Records that are deleted.
Increasing the number of days has no impact on space, speed or performance of your system.


‘Scheduled Reports’ field

This field displays how long the stored Scheduled reports will remain on the system.


‘Snapshot_Data_retention’ field

This field displays how long the stored Snapshot Data will be retained on the system.


‘Audit Trail’ label

Shows how many days Systems activity will be recorded and held for on this site.
Contact [email protected] to inquire about changing this value.
Note: This setting has NO effect on task history records which are kept for the entirety of parent records life.

The ‘Interface’ section settings

This section contains various settings that effects the behaviour of Ansarada GRC.

The Configuration 'Interface' section

The Configuration ‘Interface’ section

‘Interface’ section elements






Click this section to open or close this section.


‘Return to Last Page’ switch

Click this switch on to allow users to be returned to the last page of their previous session, the next time they login back in. The Home Page defaulting facility disappears with this option on.


‘Failed Login’ switch

Click this switch on for an alert email to be sent to the Notification Email address if there is any failed login attempts.


‘Show Password Strength’ switch

Click this switch on to show the password strength of the current user logging in.


‘Edit Rights Over Own Data’ switch

This switch only effects Positions with ‘See Own Data Only’ set on and the records these Positions have Edit rights (by belonging to the appropriate Security Group). Click this switch on to allow a ‘See Own Data Only’ Position to have full visibility rights to records for which they have Edit access. This entails them being also able to see and edit all tasks, and task completion history’s, for this record only. This setting is very pertinent to ‘See Own Data Only’ Positions that are in the record Owner or Responsible position and need full record visibility of all of that record.

The Tasks Section Settings

This section contains various settings that effects the behaviour of all Ansarada GRC tasks.

The Configuration 'Tasks' section

The Configuration ‘Tasks’ section

‘Tasks’ section elements





‘Tasks’ section

Click this section to open or close this section.



Click this switch on if your organisation requires users to provide a Comment when completing a Task, regardless of the outcome.

If you leave this checkbox unticked, Comments will not be required where the task outcome is positive with a ‘Yes’ or a ‘True’ (e.g. Each electrical appliance in the office has a valid and current Electrical Test Tag. Outcome - True). Express Complete is not available when this switch is on.


‘Show Express Complete Button’ switch

Click this switch on if you want users to be able to ‘Express Complete’ a positive outcome task that does not require a Comment.
Note: ‘Attestation Comment’ switch 2 must be off for this option to work.


‘Express Complete One Click’ switch

Click this switch on if you want users to be able to ‘Express Complete’ a positive outcome task that does not require a Comment in a single click of the Express Complete Button, as opposed to it’s default two click confirming action.
Note: ‘Attestation Comment’ switch 2 must be off for this option to work.


‘Show Not Completed Button’ switch

Click this switch on if you want users to be able to close a Task as ‘Not Completed’.

This option can be left switched off, but can be switched on on the rare occasions it is required, and then switched off again.


‘Use Critical Tasks’ switch

Click this switch on if you want users to be able to flag a Task as a Critical Task.
A Critical task will send an additional reminder notification to the Actioned By Position if the generated Task is still outstanding (not completed) on the Scheduled Due Date. This reminder notification will be sent on the Scheduled Due Date, at the configured time (default setting is midday. See The Monitor configuration settings item 6).

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