Are you looking to re-activate a completed task?
Our system provides the capability to reactivate a Task after it has been completed by its Task assignee/actioner to provide flexibility and enable compliance where any completion inadequacies or errors are identified. By reactivating a task, no previous information is lost and the task will reappear in the task assignee/actioner's My Summary Page.
⚠️ Security permissions required to perform action: full system Administrator
Navigate to the Maintenance area along the top ribbon menu. Hover to reveal the Maintenance menu.
Select the Reactivate Completed Tasks menu option.
In the window popup, input the reason for the reactivating the task in the Reason field.
Then, select the Position user for whom the Completed Task will be reactivated for in the Position field.
Once a user position is selected, their list of Completed Tasks (formerly Current Open Tasks) will appear in the window. Check the relevant Task(s) and Save.
A reactivation confirmation message will appear. Review and click Yes to continue.
Once saved, the system will return to the previous window and the Task will no longer be listed in the list of Completed Tasks of the selected user position.
ℹ️The selected Task(s) will now re-appear as a Current Task in the Position user's My Summary Page. The original Due Date will be retained. The Position user will also receive an email advising them that the Task(s) has been re-activated.
Repeat as needed for other tasks or user positions.