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GRC: Obsoleting a Position but there are Record/Task responsibilities or Actioned By assignments remaining

Deleting a User from the GRC system: Part 2/2

Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a year ago

Steps to enable a user's Position to be Obsoleted but the user has existing Record/Task responsibilities or Actioned by task allocations:

  1. Check the Position's usage by clicking on the 'Show Usage' icon (magnifying glass) in Positions list of the Maintenance - Security Centre.

  2. Transfer each record/task responsibility or Action By assignment to another active user by clicking on the 'Transfer the Role/Responsibility' icon on the left.

    Tip: If there is no appropriate user to transfer these roles, responsibilities and Action By allocations to, you can transfer these to the ' Not Allocated' Position (system default position made to take on roles, responsibilities, actions that are not relevant or able to be transferred or held by any current user in the system)

  3. This can also be bulk transferred by clicking on the 'Transfer the Role/Responsibility' icon from the Positions list.

  4. Once there are only following remaining on the Position's usage list, this part of the process is complete and the position is ready to be obsoleted:

    1. Managed By responsibilities for Closed Register or Event records or

    2. Security Groups

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