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Access materiality assessment

How to access the ESG Materiality Assessment as a Stakeholder.

Nina Lee avatar
Written by Nina Lee
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ Administrators can send the materiality assessment link via the Ansarada ESG platform or through a personalized invitation email.

Invitation emails from Ansarada

  1. Check your email inbox for an invitation email from [email protected] with the subject: [Company Name] values your views on sustainability to increase their impact.

    💡Tip: If you haven't received your invitation email, please check your junk/spam folder to see if the email is there. If you still can’t find it, ask your IT team to whitelist the following email address: [email protected].

  2. Click on Complete the assessment to be directed to the Ansarada Materiality Assessment home page.

Setting up your materiality assessment profile

  1. Click on Start now.

  2. Add your details then click Confirm details.

You're ready to take the materiality assessment! Learn more on how to complete the assessment here.

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