To create an assessment, follow the steps below:
Click on Assessments on the left-hand navigation menu.
Click on Create Assessment
Add name and time period of the assessment and click Next
You can preview the material issues here by expanding out the sections, and clicking Next.
You can add more stakeholders from this page by clicking on the three lines icon next to each stakeholder group, and selecting Add Stakeholders.
Type in the email addresses of the stakeholders you want to add in the selected group, then click Add Stakeholders.
Complete these for all groups requiring stakeholders.
⚠️Good to know: You can choose to send the assessment straight away to the selected stakeholders in this step, or leave this box unticked to send it at a later time.
Select the stakeholder groups that you want to consult and click on Next.
Click on Add CC Details and enter your card details and choose either Credit Card or Direct Debit before sending the assessment to the Stakeholder.
⚠️Good to know: The billing will commence when the first external stakeholder is invited to take the survey. External stakeholders include any individuals added into the community, customers, investors or suppliers groups.
Once you have entered your CC details, click Next
Click Finish
Congratulations! You have finished your assessment.