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Ansarada GRC: How to change the Due Date of a Current Open Task
Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a year ago

Are you looking to change the Due Date of a Current Open Task on a user's My Summary Page?

Our system provides the capability to change the due date of a current open task to provide flexibility and facilitate any timeline changes approved by your organisation.

⚠️ Security permissions required to perform action: full system Administrator

  1. As a Ansarada GRC system Administrator, navigate to the system Maintenance menu along the top ribbon menu.

  2. Select the Change Current Task Due Date option in the Maintenance menu.

  3. Input the reason for the Due Date change in the Reason field and select who this has been authorised by in the Authorised By field to ensure a record of this change is retained in the audit trail.

  4. Then, select the user position for whom the Current Task Due Date is to be changed for in the Change date for field.

  5. Once a user position is selected, their list of Current Open Tasks will appear in the window. Select the relevant Task(s) and click on the pencil icon alongside the Task(s).

  6. A window will pop up allowing you to select the New Due Date and opt in to have a new reminder email be sent out to the task assignee/actioner.

  7. Review update and Save.

  8. Once saved, the system will return to the previous window and the Task will no longer be listed in the list of Current Open Tasks of the selected user position.

  9. Repeat as needed for other tasks or user positions.

⚠️ Changing the Due Date for a Current Open Task will impact reporting on this Task. The Task will be included in any reporting for a chosen period that includes its New Due Date. It will no longer be included in any reporting for a chosen period that includes its Original Due Date unless chosen reporting period includes both the original and new due dates.

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