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Ansarada GRC: How to set up a new Position user
Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a year ago

Are you looking to add a new Position user to the system ie. a user requiring access to the full Ansarada GRC system who may own, be responsible for, manage record items, or be assigned tasks to complete?

The system provides the capability to add new Position users individually or in bulk.

⚠️ Security permissions required to perform action: full system Administrator

Ansarada GRC is a position-driven system. The benefits of this are that as people move in and out of positions, minimal changes are required - only the user id, name and email need to be changed, but the Position's title role, responsibilities and tasks can be retained over time and continue as before.

To individually add Position users

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance area along the top ribbon menu.

  2. Select the Security Centre option in the Maintenance menu.

  3. Select the Positions tab and click the blue plus + icon next to the list of Positions.

  4. The Add New Position window will pop up. Fill in all the fields in the window.

    ℹ️Title = Position title of the staff member which will be their unique identifier in the system. Ensure that each Position's Title is unique.

    ℹ️User ID (present in systems set up pre-Oct 2022) = User's login ID. If the organisation has SSO login, this ID must reflect their organisational SSO login details.

    ℹ️Email = User's organisational email

  5. Tick the relevant tickbox settings that you would like to apply to this new Position user.

    ℹ️Display in Lists = Allows user to appear in the list of positions when assigning responsibility, ownership, management of record items or tasks.

    ❗️ If you want a user to have access to Ansarada GRC without being able to have Tasks assigned to them, un-tick this setting.

    ℹ️See Own Data Only = Restricts user to only have access to view records and tasks they have direct involvement with ie. have no access to Records and Tasks that they have no direct involvement with.

    ℹ️Send Invitation = Sends user an email invitation to log into the system upon saving.

  6. Once completed, Save.

  7. The new Position user should now appear in the list of Positions in the Security Centre.

To bulk add Position users

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance area along the top ribbon menu.

  2. Select the Security Centre option in the Maintenance menu.

  3. Click on the three-bar menu icon next to the Security Centre heading and select the Load Positions option.

  4. A Load Positions window will pop up. Click on the blue button to generate the spreadsheet template which you will use to input Position user information and bulk upload into the system.

  5. Download the spreadsheet onto your computer and populate the fields in the template. All these fields are required by the system in order to successfully add these Position users in bulk.

    ℹ️Refer to the Information tab in the spreadsheet template for guidance.

  6. Once the spreadsheet has been populated, re-upload the spreadsheet in the Load Positions window.

  7. Click on the blue Load Positions button.

  8. If there are any issues with the data populated in the spreadsheet, the system will not successfully load the Position users and instead, generate an Error message and detail why. Review the spreadsheet, correct any errors and re-upload.

  9. Once successfully bulk uploaded, these Position users will now appear in the list of Positions in the Security Centre.

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