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How do I answer this question?

How do I answer this question in the Materiality Assessment?

Nina Lee avatar
Written by Nina Lee
Updated over a week ago

Your honest and thoughtful responses are essential to the materiality assessment results being useful and effective to the organization.

Please refer to the guideline below when responding to the questions:

  1. Understand the issue and read the full description. You can expand or minimise these sections at any time by clicking on the section headings. Remember to consider the material issues and how it relates to your experience and perception, within the context of the organization. Your views on these issues will help prioritize which issues they should act on monitor and prepare for now.

  2. Understand the scale. On a scale of LOWER to HIGHER, rate the significance of the organization's impact on these issues and how important these issues are to you as a stakeholder working and engaging with the organization. If you are unsure or undecided about the issue’s significance, select the middle of the scale. On the other hand, if you feel strongly that the issue is not significant at all or extremely significant to the organization, don’t be afraid to mark the lowest and highest ends of the scale. This will provide the most accurate and useful feedback to the assessment administrator.

  3. Be consistent and don’t overthink. The goal of the assessment is to get your honest feedback so don’t worry too much about what the ‘right’ answer might be and give your instinctual response to the questions.

Click here to find out more on how to complete the materiality assessment.

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