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Why your input matters

Learn why your input will make an impact.

Nina Lee avatar
Written by Nina Lee
Updated over a week ago

Your input to this ESG Materiality Assessment will have impacts that are both direct and indirect.

Your direct impact will be to the organization of which you are completing the assessment for. In filling out the survey, you will allow them to gather details regarding which environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues hold more importance to their stakeholders, with the idea that they will be able to build a strategy and action plan for the future which addresses these material issues. This is your chance to have your voice heard on which issues matter most to you - whether these be environmental metrics such as reducing emissions, animal welfare, and climate change; social issues such as increasing gender equality in the workforce, supporting community groups, and labor rights; or governance metrics like transparency, risk mitigation, and anti corruption. Without your opinion, these matters may not be addressed in the organization's sustainability plans, minimizing your ability to have an impact.

Your indirect impact will be to the greater good that comes from embarking on a sustainability strategy, and the ripple effects that it inevitably has. Your decision to partake in this survey can have impacts on your greater environment, the community around you, and the success and longevity of the organization, and can encourage others to start evaluating their own sustainability metrics too. You will be a force for good, a part of the sustainability revolution and a movement towards a more sustainable future.

If you have been identified as an external stakeholder, this can also positively increase your own consumer and stakeholder perceptions, and further your value in the marketplace in which you operate. If you are an internal stakeholder, your views will have a direct impact on the operations of the organization that you are employed under, and can impact the ways in which you work and the goals you are working towards.

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