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Add critical processes

Learn more on how to add your critical process with Ansarada Operational Resilience.

Christine Wong avatar
Written by Christine Wong
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ This feature is only accessible to Administrators and members of IBS Security Group with Edit rights.

Critical processes refer to the key business processes or operations that are crucial for the firm's ability to function and deliver its products or services, maintain the day-to-day operations and ensure business continuity.

There are two options to add a critical process:

Option 1: Add from Overview tab

  • In Overview page, select Add a critical process.

  • Complete the required fields as described in the table below. Optional fields are not mandatory but can be filled in as needed.

Field Name



Enter a unique number for this critical process.

Record Status

Choose Active or Inactive.

Important Business Service

Select an important business service from the dropdown list.


Select an owner from a dropdown list of all positions that have edit access to the parent important business service.


Enter a title / name for this critical process.


Choose Business as usual or Contingency.

Description (Optional)

Enter a description for this critical process.

  • Click Add to save the critical process record. πŸŽ‰

Option 2: Global βž• Add menu

  • Click the global βž• Add menu at the top right, then select Critical process.

  • Complete the required fields as outlined in Option 1 above and click Add.

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