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Add resource

Learn more on how to add resource with Ansarada Operational Resilience.

Christine Wong avatar
Written by Christine Wong
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ This feature is only accessible to Administrators.

Resource refers to the various assets, facilities, information, subprocesses and people required to support and maintain a critical process during both normal operations and times of disruption. These resources can be tangible or intangible and play a crucial role in ensuring the continuous functioning of the critical process.

There are two options to add a resource:

Option 1: Add from Overview tab

1. Select resource type

  • In Overview tab, select Add a resource.

  • Select a resource type by selecting from the drop-down menu. Options include Asset, Facility, Information, Subprocess, and People.

  • Select Create resource and a new screen will display for adding the details.

2. Fill out resource form

  • Complete the required fields as described in the table below. Optional fields are not mandatory but can be filled in as needed.

Field Name



Enter a unique number for this resource.

Record Status

Choose Active or Inactive.

Category (Optional)

Select from the drop down list.

Location (Optional)

Select from the drop down list.


Enter a title / name for this resource.

Description (Optional)

Enter a description for this resource.

Manage by

Select who will manage this resource.

Fallback option (Optional)

Select a fallback option for this facility.

Recovery time objective

Enter the maximum acceptable downtime for a resource after a disruption and the time to resume normal operations. You can define recovery time objective using either days or hours by updating time unit settings

3. Link the newly-created resource to one or multiple critical processes.

4. Click Add to save the resource record. 🎉

Option 2: Global ➕ Add menu

  • Click the ➕ Add menu at the top right, then select a relevant resource (Asset, Facility, Information, Subprocess, or People).

  • Select Create resource and a new screen will display for adding the details.

  • Complete the same steps (Step 2 to Step 4) mentioned above to fill out the resource form, link the resource to one or multiple critical processes and save the resource record.

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