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Ansarada GRC: Overview of Control Library and its features
Ansarada GRC: Overview of Control Library and its features

Overview of Control Library and its features

Written by Neha Aswal
Updated over a week ago


Note: The Control Inventory Module must be enabled in your system configuration for this menu option to appear.

About the Control Inventory Module

Note: The Control Inventory title can be customised. Example screenshots shown below will highlight this by bracketing like this (Control Inventory).

The Control Inventory Module is part of the fully integrated TriLine GRC solution. The Control Inventory Module allows your organisation to complete a high-level overall assessment of the controls in place to manage risk. Whilst TriLine GRC already allows you to link your risk, compliance items, events etc. together, the Control Inventory takes this process a step further by introducing the ability to rate the adequacy of the ‘whole picture’ of all of these linked controls.

The Control Inventory List page

The Control Inventory List page displays all Control Inventory records your logged-in Position has security access to view, less any filters you may have applied.

Click on any Control Inventory record 6 to see its details.

The Control Inventory List page elements

Control Inventory List page elements





Layouts Panel

Use the controls in this panel to save and load different grid layouts.


Use the controls in this panel to move between List Pages and set the number of Records to display per-page.


Enter text here to search and filter the visible columns in the List 6 .


Drag columns here to group the List 6.


Use the controls in the column headers to filter the Records.
Perform advanced filtering of the List to find particular Records.


Control Inventory List

Displays the Control Inventory Records. Click on a row to see the Control Inventory page.


‘New Control Inventory’ icon

Click this icon to add a new Control Inventory via the ‘New Control Inventory’ popup window.


‘Hide/Show Column’ icon

Click this icon to hide/show Control Inventory List columns using the Field Chooser.


‘Export’ icon

Click this icon to export the List in Microsoft Excel or Word format.


Click this icon to filter the Control Inventory List using the Filter builder.


‘Archive Multiple Records’ icon

Click this icon to archive multiple Control Inventory Records.
See Archiving multiple Control Inventory Records for more information.


Page Help icon

Click this icon to view basic information for working with the Control Inventory List page.

The Control Inventory Page

The Control Inventory page contains all details pertaining to the Control.

Actions available from this page include

  • View and updating fields, links, tasks, notes and security,

  • Adding new Control Inventory records.

  • Print previewing the record.

  • Deleting the Control Inventory record.

  • Making an Archive of the Control Inventory record.

  • Duplicating the current record.

The 'Control Inventory' page

The ‘Control Inventory’ page

The Control Inventory Page elements

‘Control Inventory’ page elements





Current Record selector

Use this selector to change to another Control Inventory record.


Control Inventory tabs

Click on each tab to display each titled information


‘Save’ icon

Click this icon to save all updates to Details, Custom Fields and Security tab field changes.


‘New’ icon

Click this icon to open The ‘New Control Inventory’ popup window.


‘Print Preview’ icon

Click this icon to open a preview window of the printed layout page.


‘Delete’ icon

Click this icon to delete the Control Inventory record.


‘Archive’ icon

Click this icon to archive the Control Inventory record.


‘Duplicate’ icon

Click this icon to create a new Control Inventory record which is a duplicate of this one.

The Details tab

The Details tabs displays the main fields of the Control, including the Effectiveness of the Control.

The 'Details' tab

The ‘Details’ tab

The Details tab elements

The ‘Details’ tab elements





‘Number’ field

Display the unique number of this Control.


‘Record Status’ field

Displays the status of this Control (see Record Status).


‘Type’ selector

Displays the Type of this Control.


‘Title’ field

Displays the title of this Control.


‘Description’ field

Displays the description of the Control.


‘Owner’ selector

Displays the Position which owns this Control Inventory record.


‘Business Unit’ field

Displays the Business Unit of this Control.


‘Tags’ field

Displays the tags selected for this Control.


‘Effectiveness’ selector

Displays the current Effectiveness this Control.


‘Show Effectiveness Definition’ icon

Click this icon to see the definition of each Effectiveness available in 9.


‘Last Change’ message

Displays the date the Effectiveness change to its current rating.


‘Show History’ icon

Click this icon to display the History of Effectiveness of this Control.

The Custom Fields tab

Note: Custom Fields will vary depending on the Control Inventory Custom Field settings. If there are no Custom Fields, this tab will not appear.
The fields displayed here will be different for your site.

The Custom Fields tab display all custom fields configure for this Control Type (item 6 on the Details tab).

The 'Custom Fields' tab

The ‘Custom Fields’ tab

The Custom Fields tab elements

The ‘Custom Fields’ tab elements





An entry field

One or more different type custom data collection fields maybe displayed.


This field ‘Information’ icon

Hover over this icon to display information about the field it is next to.

The Links tab

The Links tab displays entity records that are linked to this Control. Tabs display here will depend on which modules are installed on your site.

Each Link sub tab allows new Links can be added, and existing links can be removed, on this tab.

The 'Links' tab

The ‘Links’ tab

The Links tab elements

The ‘Links’ tab elements





Linked Record tabs

Click the appropriate tab to view, and if you have Edit access security, create and remove links for that Record Type. The available tabs are dependent on the modules your site has enabled.


Record Selector field

Each of the Linked Record tabs 1 has a Record Selector field. Click the Record Selector dropdown to view a list of available records that you can link to this Control Inventory record. Select the record you wish to link then click the Add Link icon 3 Note: The drop-down list only displays available Records to which you have security access.


‘Add Link’ icon

Once you have selected a Record 2, click the ‘Add Link’ icon to create a link from that record to the Control Inventory record. The linked Record is displayed in the Linked Record List 6.


Use the controls in this panel to move between List Pages and set the number of Records to display per-page.


Enter text here to search and filter the visible columns in the List 6.


Linked Record List

This list displays all linked Records of the currently selected Record Type 1. Click a Record in this list to open the Record in its own page for viewing or editing depending on your Security access.


‘Remove Link’ icon

Each Record in the list has its own ‘Remove Link’ icon that will display for Edit access security. Click this icon to remove the link to the Record. A Confirm Delete dialog is displayed.
Once you confirm the link’s removal, the Record is no longer displayed in the Linked Record List 6.
Note: The Control Inventory record link will also be removed from the Links tab of the corresponding record.

The Tasks tab

The Tasks tab displays a list of all task that have been created for this Control Inventory record.

The 'Tasks' tab

The ‘Tasks’ tab

The Tasks tab elements

The ‘Tasks’ tab elements





Use this panel to display different pages in the list and to set the number of Tasks to display per-page.


Enter text here to search and filter the visible columns in the List 4.


Use the controls in the Column Headers to filter the Tasks in the list.


Tasks list

All Tasks created for the Control Inventory record are listed here. Click on a Task to view or edit it in the ‘Edit Task’ popup window. Once a Task is generated, it can no longer be edited and the row will change to pale shaded colour.


‘Hide/Show Column’ icon

Click this icon to hide or display list columns using the Field Chooser.


‘Add Task’ icon

Click this icon to add a new Task. The ‘New Task’ popup window is displayed.


Click this icon to filter the Task List using the Filter builder.


‘Reset grid’ icon

Click this icon to reset the columns in the grid to a default state.


‘Delete Task’ icon

Each Task in the list has a ‘Delete task’ icon. Click the icon to remove the Task. A ‘Confirm Delete’ dialog is displayed. Once you confirm the removal, the Task is no longer displayed in the Tasks list (see item 4 above).


Update Effectiveness Task indicator

A tick indicates this is an Update Effectiveness task.


‘Transfer Task’ icon

Each Task has a ‘Transfer Task’ icon. Click this icon to move the Task to another Control Inventory record.


‘Copy Task’ icon

Each Task has a ‘Copy Task’ icon. Click this icon to create a copy of the Task. The ‘Copy Task’ popup window is displayed. (This window is the same as the ‘New Task’ popup window, and is pre-filled with information from the Task being copied.)


‘Tasks History’ icon

Click this icon to see the History of this Task. The ‘Tasks History’ popup window is displayed.

The Notes tab

The Notes tab displays a list of all Notes that have been added to this Control Inventory record. This tab can be used to add any relevant information relating to the Control Inventory record as required. Positions with View or Edit access are permitted to add Notes. Positions with Edit access can also update or delete the Notes.

The 'Notes' tab

The ‘Notes’ tab

The Notes tab elements

The ‘Notes’ tab elements





‘Add Note’ icon

Click this icon to a new Note. The ‘Add Note’ popup window is displayed.
Note: This icon only displays if you have ‘Edit’ security access.


Use this panel to display different pages in the list and to set the number of Notes to display per-page.


Use the controls in the Column Headers to filter the Notes in the list.


Notes list

Each Note in the list consists of two parts: the top part is the Note itself, and the bottom part (shaded) displays the Name of the person who created the Note plus a date of when the Note was created.


‘Edit Note’ icon

Click this icon to Edit a Note. The ‘Edit Note’ popup window is displayed.
Note: This icon only displays if you have ‘Edit’ security access.


‘Delete Note’ icon

Click this icon to Delete a Note. A ‘Confirm Delete’ dialog is displayed to remind you that deleting this Record will result in loss of data.
Note: This icon only displays if you have ‘Edit’ security access.

The Archives tab

The Archives tab displays a list of snapshots of the Control Inventory record as was when the archives where initiated.

The 'Archives' tab

The ‘Archives’ tab

The Archives tab elements

The ‘Archives’ tab elements





Use these controls to navigate between pages of the Archive List (item 4) and to specify the number of Archive Records displayed per-page.


Enter text here to search and filter the visible columns in the List 4.


Use the controls in the Column Headers to filter the Records in the Archive List (item 4).


Archive List

Displays the Archives taken of the current Control Inventory record. Click an Archive in the list to open and view the Archive details.
Note: Archive Records cannot edited.

The Security tab

The security of each Control Inventory record is individually controlled. The Security tab is used to adjust the security access of each Security Group to this Control Inventory record. Edit access means Positions in this Security Group can update all values in this Control Inventory record. View access means Positions in this Security Group can see, but not update, all values in this Control Inventory record. Not Used access means Positions in this Security Group cannot see this Control Inventory record.

The 'Security' tab

The ‘Security’ tab

The Security tab elements

The ‘Security’ tab elements





Security Groups List

Each Security Group is listed here.


Security Group Name

The name of a Security Group.


Security Permissions Selector

Select a Record Security Rights level for the Security Group.
Note: The Security Group containing the Control Inventory Owner must be given ‘Edit’ Rights to the Control Inventory Record.


Security Group Membership icon

Click this icon to display the related Security Group Membership List (see item 5 below).


Security Group Membership List

This list is displayed when you click the Security Group Membership icon (see item 4 above) for a Security Group.
This function is useful if you need to confirm which Security Group a Position is a member of before assigning Record Security Rights to that group.


‘Security Access Summary’ icon

Click this icon to display all Positions that have access to this record, the type of access, and from which Security Group this access was granted from (including Task Teams).

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