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Ansarada GRC: Control Inventory Procedures
Ansarada GRC: Control Inventory Procedures
Written by Neha Aswal
Updated over a week ago

Work with Control Invetory and its procedures

Note: The Control Inventory Module must be enabled and, your Position must have access to Control Inventory records, for this menu option to appear.

  1. From the Main Menu, select Control Inventory

  2. The Control Inventory List page is displayed.

  3. Use the Column Headers and the Page Navigation Panel to search and navigate the Control Inventory List.

Add a new Control Inventory record

Note: Only a Position which is a member of one of the System Security Groups ‘Create Control Inventory’, Administrator - Control Inventory, or an Administrator, can create a Control Inventory record.

A Control Inventory record can be created either from the Control Inventory List page or the Control Inventory page.

  1. From the ‘Control Inventory List’ page, click the New Control Inventory 1 icon. Or, from the ‘Control Inventory List’, click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the ‘Control Inventory’ page. Click the New 2icon.

  2. The ‘New Control Inventory’ popup window opens. Complete the Control Inventory details in the window (see New Control Inventory window elements for details on each field).

    The 'New Control Inventory' window
  3. Click the Save 14 icon to complete adding the new Control Inventory record. The Control Inventory page will display with this new record. Clicking the cancel 15 icon will close the ‘New Control Inventory’ window without saving the record.

‘New Control Inventory’ window elements

‘New Control Inventory’ window elements





‘Number’ field

Enter a unique record number.


‘Record Status’ field

Select whether the status is created Active or Inactive (see Record Status).


‘Title’ field

Enter a unique record number.


‘Description’ field

Enter the Description of the Control.


‘Owner’ field

Select the Position which will own this Control Inventory record.


‘Type’ field

Select the Type of this Control Inventory record.


‘Business Unit’ field

Select the Business Unit of this Control.


‘Effectiveness’ field

Select the Effectiveness this Control Inventory record will be create with.


‘Show Effectiveness Definition’ icon

Click this icon to see the definition of each Effectiveness available in 8.


‘Business Unit’ field

Select the Business Unit to apply to this Control Inventory record.



Assign Record Security Rights to Security Groups (see About Record Security Rights).


‘Show Members’ icon

Click this icon to display the Positions in this Security Group.


‘Show Page Help’ icon

If shown, click this icon for information on creating a Control Inventory record.


‘Save’ icon

Click this icon to save the Control Inventory record.


‘Cancel’ icon

Click this icon to Close the ‘New Control Inventory’ popup window.

View and Edit a Control Inventory details

  1. Click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the The ‘Control Inventory’ page. Click each tab to view the details on that tab.

  2. If the Save 1 icon is display (after hovering over the Options Hamburger icon), you have security access to update the values on this Control Inventory record. The Save icon applies to Details, Custom Fields and Security tabs. Update values as required and then reveal and click the Save icon.

Delete a Control Inventory record

Deleting a Control Inventory is NOT recommended if you wish to retain the history of the Control Inventory and its tasks. Instead consider changing the Control Inventory Status to Inactive.

Note: Only Positions allocated to a Security Group that has been assigned ‘Edit’ Record Security Rights can delete a Control Inventory.

  1. Click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the The ‘Control Inventory List’ page. Hover over the Options Hamburger icon and then click the Delete icon 1.

  2. A ‘Confirm Delete’ dialog is displayed. Click Yes to delete the Control Inventory, or click No to cancel.


Deleting a Control Inventory record also deletes its Archives and History records. This may have auditing implications. Consider instead changing the Status to Inactive (see Change the Status of a Record).

Undelete a Control Inventory record

The Control Inventory record is not deleted immediately, but rather it’s status is changed to ‘To Be Deleted’ for a limited time determined by your configuration settings. Hence the record can still be view and the record can also be recovered from this to be deleted status.

The Record will be destroyed on its scheduled date by the overnight Monitor and cannot be recovered/undeleted after this time.

The days delay until the deletion of a record is permanent, is configured by the Administrator on the General Configuration tab. For example, this setting is 31 days:

The 'Delete Record Days' setting

The ‘Delete Record Days’ setting

To Undelete a Control Inventory record:

  1. Click the Status Filter 1 icon. (If these records exist) Select To Be Deleted (and unselect Active and Inactive). Click OK

  2. ‘To Be Deleted’ records will be displayed in the list. Click the record of interest to open its Details page.

  3. The Record displays with it’s real deletion date 1.

  4. Select Status Active 1 or Inactive 2. Hover over the Options Hamburger icon and then click the Save 3 icon.

  5. The record will be Undeleted.

Print a Control Inventory

  1. Click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the The ‘Control Inventory’ page. Hover over the Options Hamburger icon and then click the Print 1 icon.

  2. A Preview Page opens showing a Report for the Control Inventory. Navigate, search, print and/or save the Report using the Preview Page Toolbar. Click the Close icon 1 to close this window.

Archive Control Inventory records

Before making any editing changes to your Control Inventory record, you may wish to archive the Control Inventory for historical purposes. Each Archive record in the list is a snap shot the Control Inventory on that date. The Archive record cannot be edited. The Archives tab contains a list of dates when the Control Inventory has been archived.

Once you create a Record Archive, the Archive remains with the Record for as long as the Record exists. This makes routine archiving a good option for audit purposes.

If you delete a Control Inventory, any archives for those Records are also deleted. Consider making the Record Inactiverather than deleting the Record. This way, you can stop the Record displaying in lists (by default, inactive Records are not displayed in lists), but still retain the Record and its Archive history for future reference.

A Control Inventory record can be Archived either from the Control Inventory List page or the Control Inventory page. Archiving from the Control Inventory List page allows multiply records to be archived at once.

View and Export an Archived Control Inventory

  1. Click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the The ‘Control Inventory’ page. Click the Archives tab. Click on an Archive record in the Archive list 1.

  2. View details about the Archived Control Inventory record by clicking on the relevant tabs 1. Hover over the Export icon 2 and click an export file format. Open or Save this file as required.

  3. Click the Cancel icon 3 to Close this window.

Archiving multiple Control Inventory records

  1. The ‘Control Inventory List’ page is displayed. Click the ‘Archive multiply records’ 1 icon.

    The 'Archive multiply records' icon
  2. The "Archive multiple records' window appears. Enter the Reason 1 for the archiving. If required, filter or sort 2 the list of records appearing in the list 3. Select 4 records to archive.

    The 'Archive multiply records' window
  3. Click the Save 5 icon to archive the selected records 4. Or, click the Cancel 6 icon to stop the archive process.

Archive a Control Inventory record

  1. The ‘Control Inventory List’ page is displayed. Click on the Control Inventory record to be archived.

  2. The ‘Control Inventory’ page is displayed with that record. Click the Archive 1 icon.

    The 'Archive' icon
  3. The ‘Archive’ window appears. Enter the reason 1 for the archiving. Then click the Save 2 icon to archive this record.

    The 'Archive' window
  4. Or, click the Cancel 3 icon to stop the archive process.

Replicate Control Inventory record

Use this facility to duplicate your Control Inventory record.

  1. Click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the The ‘Control Inventory’ page. Hover over the Options Hamburger icon and then click the Replicate 1 icon.

  2. The Replicate window appears. Enter a new Control Inventory number 1, and select if Tasks 2 and Links 3 are to be replicated also. Then click the Save 4 icon to replicate this record, or click Cancel 5 to stop.
    Note: Custom values and Notes are not replicated.

  3. The new Control Inventory record will display for further editing, if required.

Manage Links

  1. The ‘Control Inventory List’ page is displayed. Click on the Control Inventory record to display its details.

  2. The ‘Control Inventory’ page is displayed with that record. Click the Links tab.

  3. Click on a module tab to view current links.

Add a new Link

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Links field 1.

  2. Click on the record 2 to be linked. It’s number will appear in the Links field 1.

  3. Click the Link 3 icon to link the record.

    The 'Link' process
  4. The Linked record will appear in the linked list.

    The Linked record

Delete a Link

Note: If you have edit access and the Delete icon does not display, click the record to Delete the link from the other module.

  1. Click the Delete Link 1 icon of the record to be delinked.

    The 'Delete Link' icon
  2. The ‘Confirm’ window appears. Click OK to delete the link, or click Cancel.

Manage Notes

  1. The ‘Control Inventory List’ page is displayed. Click on the Control Inventory record to display its details.

  2. The ‘Control Inventory’ page is displayed with that record. Click the Notes tab.

Add a new Note

All positions that can view a Control Inventory record can add notes to the record.

  1. Click the Add Note 1 icon.

    The 'Add Note' icon
  2. Enter the Note text in the edit area 1. Then click the Save 2 icon to save this note.

    The 'Add Note' window
  3. Or, click the Cancel 3 icon to stop adding the Note.

Edit a Note

Only position’s with edit access to a Control Inventory record can edit notes on that record.

  1. Click the Edit Note 1 icon on the Note to update.

    The 'Edit Note' icon
  2. Update the Note text in the edit area 1. Then click the Save 2 icon to save these changes.

    The 'Edit Note' icon
  3. Or, click the Cancel 3 icon to stop updating the Note.

Delete a Note

Only position’s with edit access to a Control Inventory record can delete notes on that record.

  1. Click the Delete Note 1 icon on the Note to delete.

    The 'Delete Note' icon
  2. The ‘Confirm’ window appears. Click OK to delete, or click Cancel.

Update Custom Fields

The ‘Custom Fields’ tab is only displayed if Custom Fields have been configured by the Administrator. Custom Fields are your organisations required extra Control Inventory information extended from the Process Details tab. Custom can be uniquely configured for each Control Inventory type.

  1. Click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the The ‘Control Inventory’ page. Click the Custom Fields tab. Update the Custom fields that appear as required 1.

  2. Hover over the Options Hamburger icon and then click the Save 1 icon to save the updates.

Update Record Security

  1. Click on a Control Inventory record in the list to open the The ‘Control Inventory’ page. Click the Security tab. Update the Security Group accesses as required 1.

  2. Hover over the Options Hamburger icon and then click the Save 1 icon to save the updates.


    Positions in the ‘Administrators’ and ‘Control Inventory Adminstrators’ System Group are automatically assigned ‘Edit’ Rights.

    Positions in the ‘Super Users’ Security group are automatically assigned ‘View’ Rights.

    If a user is a member of multiple Security Groups with conflicting Security Rights, the higher level of access is granted.

Manage Tasks

  1. The ‘Control Inventory List’ page is displayed. Click on the Control Inventory record to display its details.

  2. The ‘Control Inventory’ page is displayed with that record. Click the Tasks tab.

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