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Important business services status

Learn about the status of the important business services and how to update it.

Christine Wong avatar
Written by Christine Wong
Updated over 10 months ago

πŸ’‘ Tip: Important business services also known as critical operations.

Administrators can create an important business service record in the Operational Resilience module. Learn more here: Add important business services.

Once the important business service record is created and a primary owner is assigned, both the Administrator and the owner can make edits and updates. These updates should reflect real-life changes related to the business service.

Understand the status of important business services

The status shown next to an important business service record indicates its current readiness level. There are two statuses:

  • Under Assessment: This means the service requires further assessment.

  • Approved: This indicates the service is ready for additional actions, such as creating a test plan based on that business service.

Update the status of important business services

ℹ️ This feature is only accessible to Administrators and members of IBS Security Group with Edit rights.

Follow these steps to update the status of an important business service record:

1. Navigate to the Important Business Services tab.

2. Select a specific important business service record from the left-hand menu.
3. Click on the status and update it accordingly.



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