ℹ️ This feature is only accessible to Administrators, Test Plan Owners and Test Owners.
💡 Tip: Scenario testing also knowns as scenario analysis.
To enhance regular and efficient testing, you can create specific tasks for the test plans. Tasks created within a test plan will automatically be generated for any new test initiated from that test plan. This approach can streamline the testing process, saving valuable time, and reducing the cognitive load for your firm.
Add tasks for a test plan
⚠️ Good to know: Tasks created within a test plan will automatically be generated for any new test initiated from that test plan. However, tasks added to the test plan after a test has been run will not retroactively affect already-existing tests.
We recommend adding tasks to a test plan. This way, whenever a new test starts from that plan, the tasks are automatically included. You can add tasks for a test plan by following the steps below:
Navigate to the Scenario Testing tab to access all test plans in the library.
Click on the Actions Menu (three lines) next to a specific test plan and select Add ➕ Test plan task.
A new screen will display for adding a test plan task. Complete the required fields: task’s Summary, Assignee and Priority.
💡Tip: You can create multiple tasks in a single view by using the Add another button in the task creation dialog.
To view the newly-created or all task of the specific test plan, click on the Actions Menu (three lines) next to a specific test plan and select View tasks, then view them in the Tasks right hand panel.
Add tasks for a test
If you need to add extra tasks for a particular test, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Scenario Testing tab to access all test plans and tests in the library.
Click on the Actions Menu (three lines) next to a specific test and select Add ➕ tasks.
A new screen will display for adding a task. Complete the required fields: task’s Summary, Assignee, Priority and Status.
💡Tip: You can create multiple tasks in a single view by using the Add another button in the task creation dialog.
To view the newly-created or all task of the specific test, click on the Actions Menu (three lines) next to a specific test and select View tasks, then view them in the Tasks right hand panel.