Information on the list of issues
Type of issue: Each issue should belong to a type within Environmental, Social, and Governance.
Owner: Assigned owner information will be shown here.
Assessed assessment: This status indicates how many assessments have been completed.
Activity indicator: This status highlights the latest activity for an assessment.
The following information applies only to Impact Materiality Assessments
Positive/Negative impact: This informs if an issue has a Positive or Negative impact based on the assessment responses.
Actual/Potential impact: This informs if an issue has an Actual or Potential impact based on the assessment responses.
The following information applies only to Financial Materiality Assessments
List of risks: This informs if an issue has a risk, based on the result.
List of opportunities: This informs if an issue has an opportunity, based on the result.
Legend: Example of a recommended preliminary list upon completion of company profile.
Filter issues by status
We currently provide several different statuses to filter issues in the preliminary list. Multiple statuses can be selected at once.
Not assessed: The issue hasn’t been worked on yet.
Partially assessed: The issue has been worked on, but not yet fully assessed.
Material: The issue has finished being assessed and has reached a Material result.
Immaterial: The issue has finished being assessed and has reached an Immaterial result.
A filtered status should look like this, with the number of issue(s) of each status shown as a number on the screen.
Legend: Example of a filtered preliminary list by Not assessed status
View each issue in detail
Click View detail below each issue in the preliminary list to open this side panel.
Details tab
Framework: The framework the issue belongs to.
Owner: The owner assigned to the issue.
Category: Each issue will belong to Environmental, Social, or Governance
Reference number: The identifier number of the issue within the framework it belongs to.
Description: The description of the issue from its respective framework.
Legend: Clicking View detail below each issue opens up a Details tab with more context.