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Using the ESG library
Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a week ago

After setting up your company profile, you’ll be provided with a preliminary list of issues. However, you can also select issue(s) from our library that are relevant to your organisation. The issue library also acts as a knowledge hub, providing more information about the different frameworks and more detail regarding each issue. Access the library by the following steps.

  1. Navigate to your preliminary list. Click the + button in the top right corner of the list.

  2. Select the option ESG issue from library from the menu.

  3. You will be able to see the library that matches your preference.*

Legend: Example of an ESRS list of issues

Legend: Example of an ESRS list of issues

Preference: Your selection within the company profile will determine what information will be shown in the library.

Select ESG library issue(s)

To customise your assessment further, we recommend that you utilise the ESG library to add further issues to your assessment.

  1. Navigate to the ESG library. You will notice that all the issue(s) currently in your preliminary list will have the right-hand side box checked accordingly.

  2. Click on the unchecked box(es) based on your selection.

  3. Click on Add ‘X’ potential issue(s)

  4. Your newly added issue will now appear in your preliminary list of issues.

Legend: Example of selecting multiple library issue(s) to the preliminary list

Note: If you are creating custom issue(s) for your preliminary list, simply follow the steps here.

To remove an issue from your preliminary list, read this article.

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