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Ansarada GRC: Bulk Transfer Roles and Responsibilities
Sam Melrose avatar
Written by Sam Melrose
Updated over a week ago

Tasks and responsibilities can be transferred in bulk from the Security Centre. This is typically done when a user is leaving the organization and their position is being merged with another position or made redundant.

Note: If a new person is replacing the position, make sure to update the email address in the position tab so that roles and tasks are carried forward, instead of creating a new position and obsoleting the previous position.

This function facilitates the bulk transfer of Roles and Responsibilities from one Position to another Position where this ‘To’ Position has the correct Security access.

Note: Security membership(s) of the ‘To’ Position may need to be added to be able to transfer items on the ‘From’ Positions list.

  1. Access the Security Centre Position tab from the Maintenance Menu

  2. On the Position record of interest, click on the ‘Transfer’ 1 icon.

    See below the bulk transfer icon:

  3. The Transfer Roles & Responsibilities from: your chosen Position window is displayed. Click the ‘Transfer To’ field to display the List of Transfer Position. These Positions, will have Security Access to at least one of the from Positions items. Click the "Transfer To" Position

    The selected ‘Transfer To’ 1 Position’s list of items they have Security access to will display in the List. Select All 2items, or select/unselect one or more items 3 individually. (Items that cannot be transferred, will appear without a Transfer 3checkbox.) The number of items 4 selected will be displayed at the bottom of the list. Click the Save 5 icon. (Or, click the ‘Close’ 3 icon to cancel this transfer.)

  4. The confirming window appears. Click the OK 1 button to complete the transfers. Or, click the Cancel 2 button to cancel the transfer.

  5. Repeat steps 3 through 5 until you have transferred the required Roles.

  6. Use Show usage to see what items remain with the ‘From’ Position.

When a role is merged with another role

Organisations sometimes restructure and combine two or more roles into one. Ansarada GRC Administrators can transfer a Position’s Tasks and Roles to another Position when this occurs. Then Obsolete the Position that is no longer required.

Note: GRC security provisions apply during the transfer—a target Position will not be able to access transferred Records for which the target Position doesn’t have Security Rights.

Make sure new positions have the same security access before transferring the tasks.

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