Board - Contributor inbox

Contributed documents will be visible on the homepage and in the contributor inbox.

Christine Wong avatar
Written by Christine Wong
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ This feature is only available on PREMIUM or ULTIMATE subscription plan.

Board Administrators can invite anyone to securely contribute and upload documents into the Board portal. Find detailed instructions on how to add a contributor on this page: Add contributor.

Once contributors upload documents, you'll receive notifications, and all documents will be visible on the Homepage and in the Contributor Inbox, located at the top right of the menu. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Homepage or click on the top right Inbox icon to view the contributed documents.

  2. Click on the Item Menu (three lines) for each document to perform the following actions:

    • View: Preview the document within the browser.

    • Download: Save the document to your computer.

    • Reject: Choose a reason from the dropdown menu to reject the document. The rejected document will be removed from the inbox, and the contributor will be notified.

    • Delete: Remove the document.

πŸ’‘Tip: You can add contributed documents directly to binders.

The contributed document will stay in the inbox until you manually delete it. This way, you can either include the contributed document in multiple binders or, in case of an error (such as adding it to the wrong binder), it remains accessible.

πŸ‘‰ Learn more about meeting binder: Create and publish a meeting binder.

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