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Board - Create and publish a meeting binder
Board - Create and publish a meeting binder

How to create and publish a new meeting binder

Angelica Medallo avatar
Written by Angelica Medallo
Updated over a week ago

What is a binder?

A binder contains the meeting agenda along with any attached documents or reports, votes and resolutions to be presented to your board members. They may also be referred to as a "board pack or "board book".

Create a Binder

1. Select the Board or Committee the meeting is for

2. Select Create new binder

3. Select to start with a blank binder (1), copy from an existing binder (2), or from a template (3):

Add binder details

Add the binder name (required):

Select the meeting date and time (required):

Add a binder expiry date (optional).

This will delete binder notes and annotations on all user device on this set date.

Add the meeting location (optional):

This can be a street address, meeting room or external link eg. Microsoft Teams or Zoom.

Directors can select the street address to view on a map.

External links will open the link in a browser, or the corresponding VC application if available.

For more information see View and Open Binders.

Select meeting Attendees / Recipients

The Attendees and Recipients lists contain Ansarada Board users that have been added to the Board or Committee the binder belongs to.



A user that will receive the binder and appear on the attendee list for the meeting.

A user that will receive the binder but will not appear on the attendee list for the meeting.

To select an attendee or recipient, simply drag and drop or click the user name.

⚠️ Good to know: Users must register their account before they can be selected.

Select meeting Invitees

Invitees are people invited to the meeting that do not receive binders. Enter the names of the invitees which will be displayed to the attendees and recipients via the Ansarada Board applications

To add an invitee, type their name and select Add

Add Binder Agenda Items

Agenda items can be added by dragging and dropping one or more files into the agenda, or by adding an item placeholder from the component list

Documents in Word (.docx), Excel (.xlsx), and Powerpoint (.pptx) format will be automatically converted to PDF and must be verified prior to saving.

For more information see Document Conversion and Verification.

Item Types




Merges multiple documents into one single Document


A document containing Meeting Minutes


A document requiring a Signature


Define a question and set of responses


Video file to be played in the app


Categorise and group agenda items

Edit Item Details

Select the Item Name to Edit

Select Duration to enter allocate an expected duration for the item (format HH:MM)

Edit Access

Items will be visible to all Attendees and Recipients by default.

Select or Deselect a user to add or remove them from the list:

⚠️ Good to know: Administrators cannot be removed.

Indent Items

To indent items, select the items you'd like to indent, and drag and drop them on top of the parent item:

Reorder Items

To move an item up or down the list, click and drag from the item number:

Item Actions

Select one or more items to see the available actions

Remove number from this item

Remove the numbering for an item, for example if the first item is an external agenda document.

Edit bullet of this item

Manually edit the item number.

Decision Required

Denote that a decision is required for this item.

Presented By

Add the name of the presenter for this item.

Hide Item Name

For users without access to this item, also hide the name of the item.

Update File

Select a new file to replace the item attachment.

Delete item(s)

Delete the item.

Still, waiting on the final papers?

You can publish your binder agenda first and make updates to items when they're available. Your users will receive the agenda. Any items with missing papers will let them know they haven't been published yet:

Save or Publish the binder

To save the binder for later publishing, select Done. Your binder will be uploaded and saved to the Unpublished tab:

To publish the binder immediately, select Publish. Select from the publishing options:

1 - Send a notification to your binder Attendees and Recipients

⚠️ Good to know: Users will receive a notification from the Ansarada Board app.

2 - Schedule the meeting in the board calendar

Add the duration for the event in minutes.

(Minimum 30 minutes, Maximum 720 minutes)

Select Yes, publish now:

Your binder will be published and saved to the Current tab:

Edit the binder

To edit the binder again, hover over the binder and select Edit:

Update an Item Attachment

Drag and drop the new attachment onto the item, or select the item and select Update File from the actions menu

Select New File or Update:

New File


Replaces the file and deletes any annotations made by users on the previous file

Replaces the file and keeps all annotations made by users on the previous file. This option is recommended only if the file is the same or similar to the previous file.

Updates will be automatically saved in binder. To publish the updates select Publish:

If you have selected to notify Attendees and Recipients of the update, they will receive a notification from the Ansarada Board app.

When opening the meeting agenda any updated items will be noted in purple.

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