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Deal Room roles

Different Room roles have different functions available to them in the Room. Learn about the basic permissions each Room role has.

Ciara Martin avatar
Written by Ciara Martin
Updated over 6 months ago

Different Room roles have different functions available to them in the Room.

⚠️Good to know: Q&A roles are separate from Room roles. Learn more about Q&A roles here.

Buy side



Guests can view, print and save documents, if these accesses and functions have been allowed for them.
Guests cannot view the Reports menu, Manage menu or Item menu.

Sell Side


Limited viewer

Limited viewers can view, print and save documents, if these accesses and functions have been allowed for them.
Limited Viewers cannot view the Reports menu, Manage menu (including viewing teams) or Item menu.


Publishers can add, delete, replace, move, enable and disable documents in the Room.
They can access the Manage Documents menu, but do not have access to Document Security.
Publishers cannot view the Reports, Manage Q&A, Manage Buy Side and Sell Side People and Teams, Manage Security, Manage Settings or Item menus.


Viewers can access the Manage Documents, Manage Q&A, Sell Side and Buy Side but they have read-only access. They can see Disabled documents but can't open or access them. They can see all Teams and People in the Buy and Sell Side, but can't see or edit Team permissions.

They can access the Reports menu but their Q&A Report access varies depending on if they are assigned a Q&A role or not. If they are assigned a Q&A role, they have access to the following Q&A reports:

  • Q&A summary

  • Q&A summary by date

  • Q&A aged questions

  • Q&A export to Excel

If they are not assigned a Q&A role, they only have access to the following Q&A Reports:

  • Q&A summary

  • Q&A summary by date



Administrators have full access in the Room.
Administrators can access all Room menus, functions and reports.

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