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Bulk email people

Learn how to email multiple people from within the Room.

Christine Wong avatar
Written by Christine Wong
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️ This feature is only accessible to Admins.

The bulk email tool is handy for quickly sending messages or emails to multiple people in the Room, making communication easier and faster.

How to bulk email people

To send bulk emails, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Left menu. Under Manage, select either Sell side or Buy side.

    ⚠️ Good to know: The wording on the internal and external tabs for managing Teams/people under the Left menu changes based on the Room’s transaction type. Learn more here.

  2. Go to the top right Actions menu, and select Email people. You will be directed to a page where you can compose your email and choose your recipients.

  3. Choose the Importance (also known as priority) of the email - Low, Normal, or High.

  4. Enter a Subject; this is a required field.

  5. Type your Message; this is also a required field. You can use the formatting tool to help structure your message.

  6. Add any attachments you may have; this is an optional field.

  7. Select the Recipients for the email. The recipients of this email will NOT be able to see each other's addresses, so it is safe to send it to the users from different user groups.

    💡Tip: We recommend that the sender sends a copy of the email to themselves by ticking their email address in the Recipients list when sending out an email from the Room.

  8. Use the Additional recipients field if you want to send this email to other recipients not listed in the Room. This is an optional field.

  9. Press Send, and the email will be sent out immediately.

Bulk email report

🆕 Good news! The bulk email report is now accessible to all Admins, allowing you to track all email communication sent from the Room.

Simply download it from the Report section. Explore it here: Bulk Email report. 🥳

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