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Bulk upload Questions

Ask Questions in bulk in the Room.

Ciara Martin avatar
Written by Ciara Martin
Updated over a week ago

ℹ️This feature is available to Guests with a Question author or Question approver role in one-way Q&A or Guests with a Bidder author, Bidder approver or Bidder main contact role in two-way Q&A.

Guests within the Room can bulk upload their questions from an Excel spreadsheet by following the below steps:

1. Go to the Left menu. Under View, select Q&A.

2. Under Actions, select Bulk upload questions.

4. Fill in and save the Excel template.
5. Drag & Drop or browse for the Excel template.

⚠️Good to know: If the Room Administrator has predetermined subjects in place and the subjects in the spreadsheet do not match the ones listed in the Room, you will receive this icon. To change the subject that is allocated to the question, select the subject and choose from a subject in the drop down.

  • You will not be able to link related documents when bulk uploading questions or add related documents after the bulk uploading, this is only available when asking single questions.

6. Select Bulk upload questions.

💡Tip: If you need to edit a question, simply click on the text, make the required changes and select the tick icon.

7. You will then be re directed to a screen confirming the questions have been uploaded.

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