ℹ️This feature is accessible to Guests with all two-way Q&A roles except for the Internal observer or Limited viewer and Publisher room role.
People can ask Questions in the Room via the Q&A tab.
️⚠️Good to know: People can also upload Questions in bulk. Learn more on how to bulk upload Questions here.
To ask a Question in the Room, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Left menu. Under View, select Q&A.
2. Select Ask question.
3. To ask the question:
Select the question priority.
Select the question subject or enter it if it isn't already in the list.
Enter the question.
Add any attachments for reference.
Select all related files and/or folders.
4. Select Ask question.
💡Tip: People can also ask Questions within the Document index. Simply find the file or folder and select the Item menu, the select Ask a question.