Administrators can create a link from the materiality assessment and send it to stakeholders using your company email for a personal touch. When stakeholders complete the assessment, their response is automatically added to the platform if they were invited to the internal or external stakeholder category.
ℹ️ Note: Learn how to invite internal and external stakeholders here.
Notification email
If a response is received from stakeholders who haven't been invited to the platform yet, Administrators will receive a notification email (sent out daily at 10 am Sydney time from [email protected]) to notify you about the new response. You can then proceed to accept their response by assigning them to specific groups and include them in your assessment.
To accept response from uncategorized stakeholders, simply click Login to assign groups from the notification email and follow the on-screen instructions (refer to steps 3-6 below).
How to accept response in the platform
You can accept response from uncategorized stakeholders directly from your materiality assessment by following the steps below:
Navigate to the Assessment tab.
Under the ESG Materiality section, you'll notice a callout section when there's response from uncategorized stakeholders.
Click on Choose stakeholder groups to see who submitted the response.
After reviewing, to accept the response, click Choose group to assign the stakeholders to a specific group, then click Save change.
Response from stakeholders with assigned groups will be included in the final result.
The option to remove response will be available soon, so stay tuned!
As a workaround, for any responses from stakeholders you don't recognize, please add the uncategorized stakeholders to a group and then delete their response from the group.
⚠️Good to know: To include external stakeholder results, you'll need to upgrade to a PRO plan.