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Procure: Enable people

If a user has been disabled, you can enable their access again so that to reinstate their access to the Room.

Angelica Medallo avatar
Written by Angelica Medallo
Updated over 2 years ago

ℹ️ This feature is only accessible to Administrators.

If you enable someone that is in a disabled state in the Room their access will be reinstated.

To enable a user's access to the Room, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Left menu. Under Manage, select either Client or Bidders.

2. Under the Actions menu, select Edit people.

3. Select the Status box next to Disabled.

4. Select Enabled.

5. For each person who you want to enable, select the Status box in their row. If you want to enable all people in the list, select the Status box in the top header row.

6. Select Update.

⚠️Good to know: When enabling people in the Room, documents that had Security controls applied to them will automatically re-activate.

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